
10 Rare Dog Breeds You Probably Never Heard Of

10 Rare Dog Breeds You Probably Never Heard Of There are numerous dog breeds all over the world and while there are many you are familiar with, there are also some rare dog breeds you probably never new existed. To subscribe http://goo.gl/Mdr0i8 Follow me on G+ : https://plus.google.com/+FabianBeeShocK Like us on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/beeshockgroup Check out also: - The Biggest - Cat Fails of 2013 - 2014: https://youtu.be/1iPMazni3FA - The Biggest - Dog Fails of 2013 - 2014: https://youtu.be/jLabaya__WU - Top 10 Perfectly Timed Shots Of Cats: https://youtu.be/OFanzPcdav0 - Dogs are Awesome, Adorable and Simply Amazing: https://youtu.be/j8Zi0XdwOUw Below can see the top 10: 10. Azawakh 09. Carolina Dog 08. Catahoula Leopard Dog 07. Lundehund 06. Mudi 05. Neapolitan Mastiff 04. Xoloitzcuintli 03. Thai Ridgeback 02. The Pachรณn Navarro 01. Tibetan Mastiff Music credits: Gee - Cheeky Animals _ royalty free music (orchestral) Silent Partner- Dog Park


  1. Check the latest video: Dogs are Awesome, Adorable and Simply Amazing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8Zi0XdwOUw
  2. Didn't know Stephen hawking made YouTube videos about dogs
  3. Am i the only one who heard pink sheeps voice?
  4. I have A tibiten mastiff and my grandma has a Xolo his name is Chicito (means little in Spanish) And my dog is named Loco (means crazy in Spanish) we named him that cause when I go to my trampoline he jumps on me and almost bit someone that was mean to me
  5. Wait a minute! The voice is of pink sheep ๐Ÿ‘
  6. 8 Catahoula... I HAVE A CATAHOULA HA!! Take that
  8. 2:29 Hagird and Fang!! I LOVE HARRY POTTER
  9. I heard of the Carolina dog
  10. Is this pink sheep?
  11. I knew about the dingo it's not called American dingo it's called a dingo
  12. I saw the "pachinko Navarro" once on a hiking trip in Spain
  13. I knew of Tibetan mastiff
  14. I've heard of 7/10 of these!!!!!!!!
  15. Pink Sheep?
  16. Pink sheep โค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’˜
  18. I have known these breeds a long time ago eat shitttt
  19. I want a neopolitan mastiff
  20. Yes I remember a Tibetan Mastiff protecting my village in Tibet from Gengis Khan and his soldiers. Gengis gave up . I think the dogs name was Todo. Thank you Todo.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 289323

Duration: 4m 21s

Rating: 1497