11 Biggest USA Conspiracy Theories

What should you believe? Are we being mind-controlled and watched by our tv's and are vaccines really as safe as we think? Subscribe to Talltanic http://goo.gl/wgfvrr 4. CIA and AIDS Ever since AIDS first began to be an epidemic in the 1980’s rumors have spread like wildfire that it was a government conspiracy targeted at the homosexual and african american communities. There are still a number of high profile believers of this conspiracy like the south african president Thabo Mbeki and accuses the US of creating the virus in a laboratory. Others believe that the government injected gay men with the virus during hepatitis B shots to test it out in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Others believed it came from monkeys to humans sometimes during the 1930’s. It’s still a horrible disease that affects many with unknown origins, so many are quick to point the finger at our government. 3. The Moon Landing Another infamous USA conspiracy theory, the moon landing is claimed by many firm believers that it never happened and the whole thing was filmed in a studio. The USA was seriously losing the Space race against Russia. They had already sent Sputnik, humans and even animals into space and we had barely done anything. Americans were quite worried after the Sputnik launch, fearing that the Russians were constantly watching us from space. In order to lift moral, perhaps Americans staged a moon landing, to appear superior to the Russians. Could a flag really wave around on the moon? There is no air on the moon’s surface. NASA claims this was simply a ripple effect when the flag was placed on the ground. The video also shows a lack of craters when the true surface of the moon is riddled with them. There seems to be good reason to hoax the moon landing as well as many theories people have come up with 2. 9/11 Conspiracy Can jet fuel really melt steel beams? This seems to be the big question for many believers of the conspiracy. The 9/11 attacks were horrible to say the least and was the worst attack on American soil but was there a sinister plot from our government? Many believe this horrible destruction was a way for George Bush to declare war on Afghanistan and the entire middle east. What are the odds that the Twin Towers both crumble straight down, almost in a demolition fashion without the help of any explosives? A few things don’t really seem to add up. People are also questioning why WTC 7 fell that mysteriously fell several hours later after the initial explosions. Then what about the Pentagon? How could a plane strike the Pentagon, without being shot down? This is one of our most well guarded buildings on earth and radar defense systems are set up all over Washington DC. On top of it, why was the government hesitant to release footage of the actual plane striking the Pentagon from one of the 86 cameras that were pointed at that location. The supposed crash only left a hole 5 meters wide which is just does not seem large enough if an entire plane struck the building. Even former military officials have casted their doubt. There was also no debris of the plane recovered at the pentagon. A plane can’t simply vaporize. The one was released after 5 years does not show the plane and video is of extremely poor quality. 1. John F. Kennedy Assassination John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd, while he rode in a motorcade through Dallas, TX and many of us have questioned the true reasons in which he was shot. Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone wolf like the media claims, or was there a more sinister plot and a group of people who wanted him dead. And there were quite a few out there. First the Italian mafia realized John F. Kennedy was beginning to crack down on their operations. The person who shot Lee Harvey Oswald was a known member of the mafia. He was also the president during the cold war, making him the enemy to many communist countries like Russia and Cuba. Some theories even claim his Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was behind the assassination plot! Could a lone wolf have really executed an assassination of this magnitude without help from a foreign government or organization? Some claim another shot came from the grassy knoll. A lot of things don’t add up. What do you think?


  1. Interestingly enough, the U.S. really did have previous knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor. We had Native Americans create and break codes in the Navy, and we were able to break Japan's code confirming the attack. But we knew that if we prevented it, Japan would know we had broke their code and they would change it. Knowing Japan's code was too strong an upper hand that FDR just didn't want to lose.
  2. VACCINES DON'T CAUSE AUTISM!! It's a small tiny bit of the disease/illness so your body learns to fight it off. There is no link between autism and vaccines. Don't harm your children and other people because you refuse the facts and believe a conspiracy.
  3. Conspiracists. Can't believe you think this is true. Hey! how 'bout you try something called science and common sense?
  4. Hey stupid. The levees in New Orleans can only withstand a category 3 hurricane. There's no man made structure that can take on a category 4 or 5 hurricane. Hurricane Katrina was a cat 5 at land impact weakened to 4 after. that's why the leaves failed
  5. fuck America, real terrorist. Muslim is not terrorist anymore.
  6. if the government wants us to become dumb then why is highschool still so hard to pass
  7. The US has too many conspiracy theories, I wonder why
  8. Even if jet fuel could melt steel beams there's no way it could do it evenly across the whole construction. Most likely you would get a melted steel beam there and a not so melted one there, resulting in a partial collapse. There are so many problems with the official explanation that anyone with half a braincell shoud be able to understand it. Like how did building seven collapse? No plane hit it. There was no jet fuel. Still it came down like the others. Amazingly no firemen died in building seven. I don't think the firemen knew what was going to happen. They were ordered to leave before someone pushed the button.
  9. who got weed
  10. white trash started a race war, like a retard. when no one is from earth, so we have a purpose to be responsible adults and be good parents.
  11. its worse then this.
  12. these are happening.
  13. The first one is just people being racist
  14. I didnt know we had F-18's during WWII, that my friends, is the conspiracy
  15. first off 9/11 is no longer a conspiracy il turned out the goverment was part of a cover up because all Saudi Arabia facts came out proving that the goverment knew and hide it it was proven that the us Saudi ambassador funded most members and had an official get the terrorist in the country allowing them to take flight lessons
  16. What kind of statement is that... "how could the twin towers crumble to he ground without any help from explosives" besides two planes that exploded when they were flown into them. 🤔
  17. With all the money wasted on space programs world wide, someone might as well go back to the moon. Even if you're not the first to do it, you'll still get a lot of respect.
  18. i doubt the goverment its going to inject long term ilnessest on vaccines to children, so low income families can enroll their children on dissable benefits and goverment free health plans which can end up costing way more to the us economy than just leaving your children healthy to be able to work when ready to... That one didnt make sence to me
  19. Vaccines contains mercury and lead

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