150 plus year old Alligator Snapping Turtle

This is a video of a 150-200 year old Alligator Snapping Turtle named Crunch. Crunch weighs approx 165 lbs. Later on in the video I also recorded the 10 year old one name Crumb. I hope you enjoy this as much as we did!!! Also, feel free to go to crunchinfo.com to see more information about Crunch!


  1. the tank of crumb is too small
  2. it looks sad :[
  3. Hard animals to clean up after, I'm glad the keeper of that snapper respects that these guys NEED clean water.
  4. I'd need a nap too if I were 150 years old
  5. why is'nt it in a bigger tank?
  6. Crunch is bored out of his ever-luvin' mind. Those aquariums are way too small for turtles that size. I assume they're 'fishing'-I know alligator snappers leave their mouths open for long periods waving that worm-like tongue around trying to lure fish, so it was either that....or a huge yawn.
  7. damn nature you scary!
  8. im sorry but tat tank is to small for tat turtle even though i keep fish
  9. hes posing for the tourist's.
  10. he is total amazing, i have a pet alligator snapper! cool vid!
  11. Great video.
  12. Turtles ar cool....but why is it in a 5x5 ft glass box?
  13. so sad no room to move
  14. I wonder why such a small tank for that gigantor...
  15. damn... he was practically alive to see almost every every president get elected O:
  16. only one comment? strange. cool vid.
  17. that turtle is simply amazed by the people watching. jaw dropped and wide eyed :) excellent vid. i have never heard of an alligator snappin' turtle before today... i am simply amazed too :)
  18. Looks bored out of it's mind... Wish they would keep it in a larger enclosure...
  19. they hold their mouth open like that waiting on fish to try to swim in their mouths because they think it's a place to look for food/rest/lay eggs etc then they snap down. those things have pretty strong jaws too. we used to catch them from a friends pond and move them to a stream way out in the woods. we poked one with a curtain rod and it creased the metal and bent it. was like wresting a dog with a towel. really aggressive and they can also jump when on land, found out the hard way.
  20. lol it looks fake

Additional Information:

Visibility: 819401

Duration: 2m 49s

Rating: 1123