17 Facts About E-Cigarettes That Might Surprise You

vape 'em if you got 'em. Post to Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1aoFbkw Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/18yCF0b Post to Twitter: http://bit.ly/1aoF9ZR MUSIC: Dreams by Aries4Rce soundcloud.com/aries4rce SOURCES: http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/smoking-cessation/10-facts-about-e-cigarettes10.htm http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/09/opinion/the-case-for-tolerating-e-cigarettes.html?smid=tw-nytopinion&seid=auto&_r=1& http://www.pewstates.org/projects/stateline/headlines/states-move-on-e-cigarettes-as-washington-delays-85899525111 http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/no-smoke-without-ire-the-ecigarette-revolution-8994118.html http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/12/12/us-usa-ecigarettes-idUSBRE9BA0ZT20131212 http://abcnews.go.com/Health/electric-cigarette-explodes-fla-mans-face/story?id=15645605 http://www.crazyvapors.com/e-liquid-flavor-list/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/03/electronic-cigarettes_n_3818941.html http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/sgr/2010/consumer_booklet/chemicals_smoke/ http://www.nbcnews.com/health/more-us-students-trying-e-cigarettes-cdc-says-8C11080370 http://consumerist.com/2013/09/24/40-attorneys-general-agree-e-cigarettes-needs-to-be-regulated-like-tobacco/


  1. actually... vape can defiantly set off a fire alarm
  2. Smoked from 16-26... 10 years.
    Picked up a vape tank and mod.. 1.5 years smoke free now. using 0 and 3mg nicotine levels.
  3. So many kids buy into it, sad stuff
  4. How many fat people are complaining about smokers on here?
  5. i have 2 vapes since last year in junior high
  6. they conplaing about highschool students vaping... ik know many high schoolers who smoke weed, tobacco, do shrooms, drink liquor, and even smoke crack XD its not vape's problem minors choose to partake aswell
  7. I've been cigarette free for about a week after bleeding in my mouth and chest pains. Now I'm vaping I am smoke free and enjoy every moment of vaping!
  8. Is vaping bad if you never smoked cig's before??
  9. What are the 13 states
  10. e-cig vapour DOES set off smoke alarms and it also is NOT permitted on airplanes.
  11. just watched the entire video
    to distracted to music to learn a thing XD
  12. I was watching pewds then this was in my recommended wtf youtube
  13. e cig vapor did set off smoke alarm. i was in a small room tho. but i quickly noticed it and ventilated the room and alarm gone off
  14. love all of you trolling white knights!!
  15. I know this is all there, and I hope BuzzFeed you have gotten your facts right. Because everything on this list is pretty much wrong. Miners cannot buy Vape in products, they cannot buy any nicotine product.

    Flavors like chocolate and bubblegum… Everyone likes chocolate and bubblegum including adults. I would rather smoke something that tasted like chocolate, over something that tasted like tobacco. On top of that I don't see you saying anything about your whip cream flavored vodka, or your cinnamon flavored whiskey. Now you cannot advertise for e-cigarette's on television anymore. And the funny thing is for an investigative news source I'm shocked that you would put stuff like this out. You do know who came up with all the things you're saying right? Tobacco companies.
  16. Its the lamest job from you....not even interesting facts
  17. They actually do set off fire alarms. A friend of mine had to learn that the hard way back when we were visiting Vienna, He started vaping in our hotel room. Everything was fine until he decided to exhale right into the smoke detector in the room. 2 minutes later it went off. Sure enough, he paid a 250 Euro fine.
  18. Can I still buy one in pennsylvania or will i get I'd
  19. Wait.....vapour from e cigarettes don't set off alarms? Lol if I vape anyway near my smoke alarm it sets it off 😂😂

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