18 Inch Subwoofer in Truck

This is a video from the first week I put my 18 in my truck. Back when it was on only under 500 watts. Song: Noduz - Trinity Noduz' channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/noduzdubstep


  1. My friend had 2 18" in his chevy with 2 battery's and kept draining them so he went to 2 12 and they still seem to slap harder than that
  2. i just got a 18 inch sub, soon to be in and under 2500 watts
  3. but still have back seat space
  4. this is what I wanna do, install a 18 in my truck!
  5. po pimpin
  6. hope you up graded your amp by now. if that's an fi cause that's week as hell. my hcca twelve hits way harder and i only have an 1800 mono on it. point is that should be killing it
  7. So loud your camera got fucked
  8. whats that SONG CALLED
  9. what kind of sub? or is it custom?
  10. Is is the song called I listened to the link that you put on discription it's not the same
  11. what song are you playing?
  12. What year silverado?
  13. Get out yo dqdys truck lol JP
  14. get yourself an aftermarket stereo
  15. You need a better amp, my truck shakes way more then that with only two 12" and a 2,500 watt amp
  16. eww stock headunit
  17. Holy shit! Love it.
  18. Name of the song please
  19. What's the name of this song? I tried trinity but that's not it
  20. no more back seat anyway.....time to buy the second 18 n wall em ;)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 48893

Duration: 2m 59s

Rating: 107