League of Legends PBE. In this video I bring to you 23 epic plays you can make with new Rework Ryze ult, Realm Warp. Check out number 4 in action by Vandiril (NUNU SURPRYZE): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj3QkD3NJOU Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelolhounds1 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLaegiCn49AMA6gyh4bbosg?sub_confirmation=1 Rework Ryze Combo Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vwL-KSrL2w How to Siege Feat. Reworked Ryze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8mDhD2jWe4


  1. This video -.-
    basically, you can teleport anyone and it will NOT interrupt channels. Think of it as just a big group flash where you are invulnerable.
    You are invulnerable during the period you move from initial point to end point. This allows you to do some sick plays against things like Karthus ult.

    Everything except Karthus Passive, and Zil bombs can be teleported.
    I would like to note, if Kalista selects Karthus for her passive, she CAN pick him up and throw him.
  2. Can you hook someone with blitz while he's teleporting and will that champion come with him?
  3. Malzahar voilings? and maybe even telleport you and another enemy while ulting and bring the voidlings that are attacking him with you INTO YOUR FOUNTAIN!!
  4. Ryze can umm like teleport Malzahar's pets
  5. If I teleport my minion wave right into the tower will they target the tower ignoring the enemy minions until the next wave arrives? Will the enemy minions do the same and attack my tower?

    Would rather clean the enemy wave first and ult my minions into his tower then.
  6. Yooo, I wanna see the blits hook timing with ryze ult! That`s gonna be hillarius
  7. sion ult
  8. Why dislikes? Is this video 100% available then? I'm new at Ryze and I want to learn but it has so many dislikes....? Because he's only talking and not showing things?
  9. i have no idea what this channel specialises in but i'm liking it :D
  10. Blitz outplayed zonyas lol
  11. You can so in one for all a Chain and when the ability is lvl 2 you can Do when you Time it Right tp from your base into Enemy base
  12. You can teleport your minions into the enemy's tower during laning phase to push really hard.
  13. Wow, all these techniques looked so cool!
  14. Nice Video Vandiril!
  15. I've done the nunu, came out with quad, complete wreckage. We set it so awesomely.. It was first try with first time having a nunu with my ryze.. It was frickin' incredible!
  16. Fiddlesticks + Nunu + Galio in Ryze ult would be a sight to see.
  17. can i teleport Temoo Mushroom?
  18. I have been finding a lot of success with the new ryze, and its specially because of two things pointed out on this video: You can teleport yourself while in Zhonyas, ad while being revived by GA. So basically, after RoA and Archangel staff, I build zhonyas and GA, and become unkillable.

    Now, how does it work: While team fighting I save my ult, and go full machine gun on the enemy team. If I ever find myself in a sticky situation I just ult back and zhonyas, or ult back right before i die and GA is popped. That way, if you tf only when with zhonyas and ult up (which is quite easy), you will always be able to leave, and take some people with you.

    OP AS FUCK! You just gotta play it right.
    And to finish the build off, I buy void staff, and lucidity boots, because dmg.
    Learning the combos for proper dps and shields also help a lot.
  19. You cant tp the teemo's mushrooms and the gangplank's barrels -_-
  20. well you said he can tp allied zhonyas mates, but he can also ult and then zhonyas himself and be unkillable then ^^

Additional Information:

Visibility: 234942

Duration: 4m 50s

Rating: 1332