
4 Surprise Dig It Digging Gold Bars In Water with My Little Pony and Disney Frozen

My Little Pony Rarity and Rainbow Dash and Queen Elsa and Anna are looking for diamonds and Gold! In this Gold Dig It set you can dig for real gold! One in every 24 packs has real gold inside. Or you can find a super cool stone! What will we find today? Let's put the sandy bars in water to help dig out the surprise stones. - Never miss one of my videos... SUBSCRIBE for free: http://bit.ly/1RYkDF6 More Videos: - Scented Num Noms Series 2 Sparkle + Series 1 Cupcake Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPbsxUxhpVY - Season 5 Shopkins Pack with Petkins Backpack Surprise Blind Bag + Charmbracelet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAgtq_yTddg - Giant Rainbow Cupcake Fail - Baking My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Birthday Cake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M35EIt_LLCg - All 6 Shopkins Season 5 Limited Editions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QaxY6y_hFo - DIY Squishy Cookie Nut Shopkins Season 4 Inspired Easy Craft Do It Yourself http://bit.ly/1RYl3eJ - Splashlings Mermaid 12 Pack & Season 4 Shopkins 12 with Surprise Blind Bags http://bit.ly/25RWz04 πŸͺπŸͺπŸͺFind Me On My Official Social MediaπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ - Website and Blog: www.cookieswirlc.com - Instagram: https://instagram.com/cookieswirlc/ - PO Box: www.cookieswirlc.com - Facebook: NONE Cookieswirlc does NOT have a facebook Cookieswirlc does Not have Facebook, Snapchat, Skype or any other social media besides described above. Music by Cookieswirlc - About- Cookieswirlc is a unique channel bursting with fun, positive, happy energy featuring popular videos on Disney Frozen, Princesses, Littlest Pet Shop LPS, Shopkins, mermaids, My Little Pony MLP, Lego, Barbie dolls, Play Doh, and much muchy more!!! Everything form stories, series, movies, playset toy reviews, hauls, mystery surprise blind bag openings, and DIY do it yourself fun crafts! Don't forget to Subscribe, like and leave me a comment :) You rock cookie fans! Thank you for all your sweet support! "You can have, do, and be anything. Nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams."- Cookie πŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ


  1. cool
    i like cooky!
  2. 2
  3. Great love your vidsπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ
  4. 2 rainbow stones
  5. Hi! Love ya! 😊
  6. there was 2 rainbow stones
  7. πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺ
  8. I think Rarity found diamonds and maybe gold.
  9. Where do u get these gold and diamond bars
  10. so earlyπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
  11. so earlyπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
  12. fluffle puff
  13. 2 rainbow stones were found β€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸͺπŸͺ
  14. 2 rainbowstones
  15. 2
  16. and there was 4
  17. btw they found 2 rainbow stones
  18. hi
  19. cookie
  20. i love u cookie i wish i could meet u!!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2985455

Duration: 7m 5s

Rating: 9990