5 biggest mistakes low elo players make that stop them climbing - League of Legends

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  1. Anyone who says teamates have nothing to do with it is completely full of shit. It's all of these high elo cunts that have been there since it was actually easy to climb and think they're something special. I can do better in gold or plat then bronze. Example. I have an account that hit 30 recently, currently trying to climb with it and in bronze 2. Last game, I got a twitch jungle with no mastery on the toon. Dove my laner at level 2 and gave them first blood. Then yasuo runs top chasing his mid laner trying to kill him and their jungler came and my laner got another assist. Twitch went 2/15 and yas went 4/12. Give me a fucking break you're not going to carry that shit no matter what you do. This is a regular occurrence in that elo.
  2. about the builds i just go to metasrc
  3. can you do a video on what to do after laning phase? I can seem to win, but other than split push, I have no idea. .
  4. this kid gets paid at least 2 grand to shout of this pro guides shit
  5. I am good at league
    but 1 problem need to fix
    I play illaoi
    from the being of the game lvl 1
    they go 2v1 or 3v1
    cause I am illaoi what should I do
  6. can u do a videos for how we choose items in adc lane ?
  7. One HUGE mistake I see in bronze is laners killing their opponents in easy trades leaving them with more than 50% mana/HP and backing immediately. Make sure you take EVERY SAFE OPPORTUNITY to damage turrets/objectives.

    Also, You can tower dive at level 6 with 3 people if one is tanky. Tower dives are easiest early game when they arent expected and armor/MR is low. If you have a burst and see a teammate dive tower taking agro, if it is "safe" cover them.

    Let's not forget the ADCs who stand in the back of a teamfight quiet literally running in circles. Either do damage by kiting or poking, or back off. Learning to kite is essential to league.
  8. What if you main support? What if you have team mates in multiple lanes feeding? What if your jungler doesn't gank and when he does he simply feeds your lane that you were winning. What if your enemy jungler ganks along with enemy mid etc and they zerg your lane. What if your team doesn't want to ward and group when the time is needed to group? What if you try to give advice to help someone and they tell you to fuck off and kill yourself and they'd rape your mom? What if your entire team is full of greedy picks and you have almost no synergy? Like no tank and because you're support and your top wanted to play Yasuo, your mid wanted to play zed, you jungler wanted to play yi? And your adc wanted to play teemo? And they all say you need to tank.... Please offer me some helpful advice on how to win that game? Do i just try my hardest and not care if i lose? Because what are the odds of it happening next game right? Let's say that is the case and you try and lose.... next game you have a toxic mid laner adc so he intentionally goes adc after your adc already locked in? Oh and your jungler keep's disconnecting? And your top laner is feeding to end world hunger. Oh this has happend to me multiple times in different scenarios and i've lost 10+ games in a row because for some reason.... the enemy team gets maybe 1 bad player 2 max.... and i manage to get 2-3 maybe even 4 and of course... since i'm maining support..... GOOD LUCK CARRYING. A lot of the advice is given to simply get fed and carry.... yeah. How does one carry and get fed as Leona or Thresh? are you simply supposed to become the embodiment of Madlife and simply 1v5 their entire team that is fed? And some how while still warding and providing vision, trying to counter their builds and protect your team/get them fed.. you are supposed to some how become a god? Sure, maybe someone as skilled as Madlife could manage to do that since He's a pro lcs player.... and is really good at the game and could easily abuse the mistakes every player at that low elo makes... simply his name would intimidate the enemy team.... and once he started predicting landing every hook he'd tilt them into hell. Well sorry to burst your bubble... Not everyone can play as well as someone like Madlife.... And a support can't carry a game alone... they are called support for a reason.... and Carries are called carries for a reason... but people let that go to their head and assume because they are a carry they don't need to ward or help anyone but themselves.... whole new meaning to solo queue.
  9. Attitude is hugeeee for me ha. I need to really work on it for my climbimg
  10. can proguide make an android
  11. when you talk about moakai when your wrong
  12. These still happen in high challenger rank I would know since I'm in the top 69 in Canada
  14. NR1 they think they are good after 2k games in silver
  15. The biggest mistake is: people waste 60% of the game arguing and flaming each other, which doesnt make any sense because Lol is a team game and youre supposed to respect your teammates (unless theyre trolling and this is where u just have to report them for their behaviour. Dont focus on flaming anybody just play the game) and give info to them, you cant just win the game alone.
  16. also so many peapole flame and so many times my junglerer blames me for not winning my lane but he didny gank me a single time i dont know why but that happens
  17. i want to try every single champion because i grow slow on ip :(
  18. What if i am the only one who doesnt give up?
  19. "focus on yourself"
    rengar support
    velkoz jungle
    0/12 fiora
    afk yasuo



  20. my issue is that I'm a support (mostly nami) main. I'm level 7 and get an s in almost every game I play her in, but, still, only so much i can do

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Duration: 8m 29s

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