AF #5 BIG Waves, BEAUTIFUL scenery!

Storm! And the biggest waves we have seen here so far, It was fun! and a fire airplane gets water and practise outside our house, so awesome. The coolest thing in the vid tho, is at the end. We climbed over this huge gap, with storming water underneath, with only a little stick between us and... well, not a certain death, but risky, it was =) It paid of tho, it was one of the beautifullest things! ----------------------------------------------------- De største bølgene så langt siden vi kom hit. De var massive. Og morro var det. Et øvnings brannslukker fly øver utenfor huset vårt. Men det feteste i hele filmen er mot slutten da vi klatret over en helt vannvittig klippe og allt mellom oss og liv og ... vel kanskje ikke død, ikke godt å si, men det var verdt det, for på andre siden var det FANTASTISK!!!


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 150

    Duration: 4m 51s

    Rating: 0