All 134 Champions ( Skins ) - Best Recall Animation - League of Legends

134 Champions Recalls Animations / LoL Skins Skin : A - Mecha Aatrox / Arcade Ahri / Headhunter Akali / SKT T1 Alistar / Surprise Party Amumu / Festival Queen Anivia / Panda Annie / PROJECT: Ashe / Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol / Warring Kingdoms Azir B - Snow Day Bard / Battle Boss Blitzcrank / Spirit Fire Brand / Santa Braum C - Headhunter Caitlyn / Program Camille / Jade Fang Cassiopeia / Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath / Arcade Corki D - Dunkmaster Darius / Blood Moon Diana / Pool Party Mundo / Primetime Draven E - PROJECT: Ekko / Blood Moon Elise / Classic Evelynn / Arcade Ezreal F - Risen Fiddlesticks / Pool Party Fiora / Super Galaxy Fizz G - Gatekeeper Galio / Dreadnova Gangplank / Warring Kingdoms Garen / Dino Gnar / Oktoberfest Gragas / Snow Day Graves H - Arcade Hecarim / Hazmat Heimerdinger I - Void Bringer Illaoi / Frostblade Irelia / Candy King Ivern J - Star Guardian Janna / Dragonslayer Jarvan IV / Warden Jax / Forsaken Jayce / Blood Moon Jhin / Star Guardian Jinx K - Championship Kalista / Winter Wonder Karma / Karthus Lightsbane / Cosmic Reaver Kassadin / PROJECT: Katarina / Riot Kayle / Blood Moon Kennen / Death Blossom Kha'Zix / Shadowfire Kindred / Sir Kled / Battlecast Kog'Maw L - Elderwood LeBlanc / Knockout Lee Sin / PROJECT: Leona / Program Lissandra / Heartseeker Lucian / Star Guardian Lulu / Elementalist Lux ( All / Magma ) M - Mecha Malphite / Snow Day Malzahar / Meowkai / PROJECT: Yi / Arcade Miss Fortune / Pentakill Mordekaiser / Bewitching Morgana N - Deep Sea Nami / Infernal Nasus / Warden Nautilus / Warring Kingdoms Nidalee / Eternum Nocturne / Zombie Nunu O - Butcher Olaf / Winter Wonder Orianna P - Baker Pantheon / Star Guardian Poppy Q - Heartseeker Quinn R - Guardian of the Sands Rammus / Pool Party Rek'Sai / Pool Party Renekton / Night Hunter Rengar / Arcade Riven / Super Galaxy Rumble / SKT T1 Ryze S - Poro Rider Sejuani / Wild Card Shaco / Blood Moon Shen / Championship Shyvana / Snow Day Singed / Mecha Zero Sion / Snowstorm Sivir / Battlecast Alpha Skarner / DJ Sona / Program Soraka / Tyrant Swain / Snow Day Syndra T - Master Chef Tahm Kench / Freljord Taliyah / Blood Moon Talon / Pool Party Taric / Little Devil Teemo / Dark Star Thresh / Dragon Trainer Tristana / Worldbreaker Trundle / Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere / Blood Moon Twisted Fate / SSW Twitch U - Spirit Guard Udyr / Battlecast Urgot V - Dark Star Varus / Soulstealer Vayne / Final Boss Veigar / Battlecast Vel'Koz / Demon Vi / Creator Viktor / Soulstealer Vladimir / El Rayo Volibear W - Firefang Warwick / Radiant Wukong X - Guardian of the Sands Xerath / Dragonslayer Xin Zhao Y - Blood Moon Yasuo / Pentakill Yorick Z - Pool Party Zac / Championship Zed / Master Arcanist Ziggs / Blood Moon Zilean / Dragon Sorceress Zyra ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Thanks for Watching , See You next time :) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


  1. Why are you graphic settings not set to high?
  2. mundo best!
  3. Xayah & Rakan :v
  4. L
  5. Jayce have another weapon.
  6. Arcade Skins fucking suck :D
  7. "best" all of these are subjective, with quite a few of them i disagree
  8. where is cottentail fizz animation? When he pulls out that carrot is the best animation ever.
  9. Where is Teemo?
  10. Final boss blitzcrank's (or whatever) recall animation gives me nostalgia of the good old days of gameboy ;)
  11. Everyone is sad about Evelynn, but Shen also has no recall for any of his skins :(
  12. really come on high noon jhin has a better recall animation than the blood moon
  13. 4:44 lol that's all i needed to see :P ty
  14. if you watched full video like ;)
  15. sooo Omega Squad Teemo is not here but Classic Evelyn is????

  16. Moo Cow Alistar best recall now, SKT T1 dethroned
  17. I was expectin' watch Super Galaxy Shyvana instead, but Championship is awesome too.
    i dont know what im going to do ... kill u ? euh... nope ...
  19. where is the cosmic reaver kassadin ?
  20. pool party leona>project leona

Additional Information:

Visibility: 211559

Duration: 31m 29s

Rating: 1626