Best 4Chan Twitch Raids


  1. Landwhale
  2. Kneegurs
  3. @33:00 has me in tears 😂😂😂😂😂
  4. The Chinese door order call... My fucking sides
  5. Tip, tip tip, Penis touching is not okay from a step dad. Only Daddy
  6. Sir no one is going to order 50 doors FOR FAKSIES
  7. nbb
  8. stop saying aloha snackbar lmfao 😂😂
  9. Raidforum raids*
  10. "That was the pearl harbor of my generation" "3 million people died in 9/11"

    Faith in Humanity: -100000000000000000000
  11. 3million people died for our freedom!
  12. " This is a family broadcast " * plays CS:GO *

    - Penis Tip 2006
  13. LMFAO "They could have churches for Christians, temples for Buddhists, and 911 for Muslims"
  14. the ayy lmao virus was funny asf
  15. Doors
  16. When the guy said that 3 million died in 9/11 I was almost dead 😂
  17. The first one almost had me in tears,, the fucking ayy lmao spam was over 9000
  18. swedish

Additional Information:

Visibility: 16366

Duration: 36m 53s

Rating: 143