best largest biggest top quality blue XXL Bully pitbull puppies for sale, big pitbull puppy

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  1. Best pitbulls I've ever seen
  2. Andre BGK...on average hoe much is good weight to achieve per week. My female pup is 12.4lbs @12 weeks and everyone says she look like a boxer but believe me she is no boxer. I've been searching for an average weight/height per week for a bully but guess no one has come up with one. Appreciate your help.
  3. Beautiful pits. Keep them comin. Love your dogs !
  4. at 1 year how much would a female weigh ? my bitch is at 1 year and is only like 70 pounds ..... this vid makes her look like a mutt is she an xl bully or what would you say
  5. steroids makes them ripped up, not larger. I would never use steroids or growth hormones, (if any even exist), on my dogs. It's the pedigree that the size comes from. Nothing else. Look at their ancestors
  6. I know this is an old video, but those pups must be about the best pups I have ever seen. I am a long time bully owner and have never seen stock this good. If only I wasn't in the UK with its bullshit BSL, I would have had one like a shot. Congrats BGK.
  7. How sad. Breed a bunch of baby killers so you can look cool.
  8. Thanks a bunch for the movie. Youtube is good for this sort of content. My homeboy used to be bullied. He said he was gonna get bigger. I chuckled... But then out of the blue he gained 40lbs of genuine lean muscle mass. He used the Muscle Building Bible (Google it). He doesn't get bullied nowadays. :) I actually registered a few days ago. Plus the guys emails are fascinating!!!
  9. how much do you guys sell a pup for?
  10. serious question what do you feed them to get them to get bulky?
  11. love your dogs can i get 2 of them and if so how soon
  12. thats some nice pups
  13. holy cow! too friggin cute as pups and handsome beasts as adults! NICE!
  14. Those pups are absolutely adorable and awesome!!! I wish I had one that was that size. We had one that was all muscle and teeth and he went about 80 lbs. at 3 years old. He was marked like a Holstein cow! I sure do miss him!!
  15. u got nice dogs man
  17. 1:48 lol
  18. Peace king. Good lookn pups. Check my girl out though, she on the come up. Bout to be on beast mode @ 12 mths old right now. Stay up.
  19. What do you feed that dog? i need to get my dog weight up.
  20. How much growth hormone and steroids do you give your pitts to get them to even 100bls let alone over 100bls

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Duration: 4m 54s

Rating: 579