BEST UFO ALIEN FOOTAGE EVER 2017 - alien caught on tape real 2017

Alien caught on tape in 2017 attacking humans real ufo caught on tape real ufo's aliens real aliens ufo footage best alien footage ever best ufo footage aliens are real


  1. the coast to coast am is the most chilling ufo related anything I have ever heard
  2. UFO - Watergate Roswell Crash on July 2, 1947. FBI - Criminals? J.Z. 17.1.1995
  3. Every single piece of UFO footage in history ever shot is fake, who's guna tell me otherwise ??????? THERE'S NO PROOF OF A CLOSE ENCOUNTER !!!
  4. that Chinese object I have no idea, the second was a rocket leaving the atmosphere no doubt. the video over Jerusalem was an alien spacecraft it was captured by four different people totally unrelated from four different angles.
  5. B.S. title! Just a collection of re-runs from as far back as 2010! Pffffffttt!!!!
  6. Best UFO Alien Footage Ever 2017? These are ALL old. Misleading and downright false.
  7. i think this guy has his years fucked up lol 2017 not 2009 2001 2003 2000 or 2011
  8. Alien Florida, no its call I'm the guy that came from a seven and half million dollar home not your broke ass wish of pretense, you wish !
  9. Good video, learned a few I didn't know before this or learned new information about specific ones.
    Like in 44 seconds into video, I've seen the floating plasma ball aka Chinese lantern type, and it was going in a different direction and speed than the wind, and did not change altitude despite the brightness decline; I cannot debunk what I saw. In my research, found a YouTube channel from PA. USA that had several videos of them turning into triangle craft... The zoomed video of the plasma ball UFOs is exactly what I saw several times, I've also seen one fly at my rough location then change direction and warp towards the north star; Vanishing into space in a brief moment.
  10. The reason is they are having or should I say ,- taking part with the Spiritual Hierarchy on this planet tary scheme . .The Masters as well are taking part as in what is ''Beautiful y 9c /
  11. fake fake
  12. IF UFO's interest you this is a recap of some of the best videos. Nothing new here. One thing is kind of funny. How long have we heard, " Disclosure coming soon." I do not need to wait around for some Gov't idiot to tell me UFO are real. Or that they are here among us. Just the other day I went to the grocery store. I saw a big heavy set girl with a dark neon hair do. Who would have thought that some where, out there, is a blue berry planet. I would tell you about my exwife she was from Uranus, you get the idea. Or the mechanic who worked on car. Yeah, he was from Pluto. You could tell from the Mickey Mouse work he did to my car. I knew something was not right when I took my car to his shop.
    Dwarf Star Magical car repair.
  13. I saw and video tapped a strange light and blue traces following the light as if entering the atmosphere last year in Los Angeles I have the video I could post it if enough people our interested
  14. I was the Bat
  15. Jesus is back.
  16. This is bullshit, why do these people have to lie about this. Plus the one at the beginning was a missile launch, I know because I have seen them a lot. Not one damn thing in this from 2017. You are as fake as your videos.
  17. the UFO from Jerusalem have howering over a secret Pleace on the Side from the Tempel--NOT DIRECT OVER THE TEMPEL----THINK ABOUT WHY AND WAHT IS UNDER THE ROCKS ---THE BIGGEST MISTERY IN HUMAN HISTORY
  18. Don't say "aliens" if you mean UFOs. All the difference in the world.
  19. Hahaha the dates just don't add up on this video
  20. Footage is years old and directly stolen from other sites.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 22523

Duration: 12m 40s

Rating: 95