Biggest atv jump ever

Watch this video it is badass a pro quad rider doing a big ass jump


  1. that's puny
  2. I've been higher than that on my bicycle at the saktepark
  3. Pretty funny
  4. lol that sureley not the biggest
  5. u no what the hardest thing about atv is. telling ur mum and dad that ur gay
  6. Biggest ATV jump ever ?.........for a flea maybe !!
  7. that was epic
  8. @exride23 lol fucking funny comment
  9. holy shit. man why didnt you try an do a back flip man. i would have i wish we could get some air like that down here in alabama damnn. that is lame as hell ive wrecked an the wheels came off the groud higher than that from the impact
  10. i watched it twice, because i didnt even see the wheels get air the first time :/
  11. omg that was sooo big of a jump!!!!!.. Lame
  12. OMG that was so fucking big NOT u got to have the wheels of the ground u dumbass
  13. i mean that was amaseing it was like 90 inches!!!! boo
  14. thats tiny man not big (stupid)
  15. stupid kinda funny but stupid
  16. HOLY SHIT!! [Claps for you.]/Awsome..Kepp it up and maybe you will get 300 fet
  17. wadda choad
  18. fake
  19. damn that looked like 200 feet
  20. dude that was some huge air!!!! Omg I couldn't jump that high even if I had the maddest skillz that anyone could ever have!!!!!!!!!!!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 18906

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 5