Biggest Loser Season 8 before and after


  1. awww JULIO
  2. Shay should have gotten another season. She needs it...
  3. rudy rules
  4. I cannot believe! I love the biggest loser
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  6. Nice, but .I did -40 lbs last 2 month.More here\#lNe7bPR zIrHAFQmUqzBdeufY
  7. Julio looks great
  8. Inspiring, my respects!
  9. is rudy no ruby
  10. they all did great:)
  11. Shay what lazy fatass she barley lost anything
  12. wow!!! es increible los cambios q se pueden hacer con mucha fuerza de voluntad en estos momentos habemos muchas personas que keremos acer lo mismo pero x muchos motivos no se puede.... lastima q en mexico no aya un programa km este pero x los q si pueden adelante muchas felicidades a todas las personas q tienen acceso a este programa....
  13. antonie became hunky!!! :)
  14. year it doesent even look like him
  15. Has anyone else notice how Danny's hair changed color?
  16. They are still fat lol
  17. It's very good the change but it's rudy not ruby
  18. Thanks you for that Finland. Very intersting! Rebecca looked better before than after. But her health is better after than before. I guess that is most important for her.
  19. She was on season 9 finale and she lost 52 pounds til then

Additional Information:

Visibility: 225548

Duration: 1m 59s

Rating: 184