Biggest Mistake in Japanese

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  1. Even I still sucks at learning Japanese😂
  2. really man, your channel is very 便利!ありがとう!
  3. For me there is a big diferrencce between these two words. My native language is Russian, and we have that thing called "udarenie" (I have no idea how to translate this) So basically udarenie is when you emphasize one syllable in word with your voice (you lightly raise your voice on particular syllable), just as u show in this video. In Russian EVERY word has this thing, and if you emphasize wrong syllable, the meaning of the word doesn't change but it will be pronounced completely WRONG. I know a lot of foreigners doesn't get that thing...
  4. Like パンツ⬇️とパンツ⬆️ trousers and underwear. I wonder if it's the same idea? 「パンツ⬇️がパンツ⬆️の下ではきます。」ね?
  5. kaki could also mean "noted below" (下記) XD. but you can tell by context, I think the one could go real wrong when someone fucked it up is momo (桃) and momo (腿), one is peach and one is thigh.
  6. 牡蠣 - oyster.
    柿 - persimmon.
    夏季 - summer season or summer time.
    下記 - (as) follows.
    花器 - flower vase or flower bowl.
    垣 - fence.
    火気 - fire(Flammable).
    火器 - firearms.

    all of these are 'KAKI'.(かき)
  7. But if you are a Brazilian guy, don't worry
  8. aaaaa sososososo
    o melhor Joetex sensei <3
  9. To be honest, I just feel hella retarded trying to do this.
  10. kaaki and kaki?
  11. Holy crap dude. You are awesome as *. やばいよ!
  12. Caqui? Hue
  13. That was very informative :D I wonder about how I sound when i speak Japanese or sing a song in Japanese ^^ I didn't think about intonation.. Thank you for the insight :D
  14. In Hebrew "Kaki" means "poop"...
    You can't imagine how funny this video is to hebrew speakers XDDD
  15. You are the best Joe! I love your lessons and am so happy to have been introduced to them.
  16. Though there are tons of Japanese lessons all over the web, but unfortunately this topic is barely mentioned. A lot of us learners might be completely unaware how weird it sounds when we want to cross the chopsticks to get to the other side of the river or when we have finally figured out how to eat sushi using a bridge, however, being aware of a mistake is a huge step towards fixing it.

    Also, it would really help to hear such words together in sentences as well so we could hear them used in a natural context, at natural speed. It would really mean the world to me if you could, for example, say a few sentences out loud involving such same-hiragana-different-intonation words. E.g. how would these sentences sound (are they even remotely correct by any chance)?



    m(_ _)m 先生、お願いします。 m(_ _)m
  17. I'm going to rewatch this a lot now so I can learn thoroughly intonation, I thought intonation had something to do with tone of voice, but it seems I may be a bit of a doof to think that. I still have much to learn.
  18. 賢いです先生!!!
  19. Greetings Joe Sensei, these short videos are plenty of fun and some knowledge. It's a nice mix, could you teach us some basics like adverbs, adjectives or verbs ? :)
  20. 240p? what year is this?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5123

Duration: 3m 38s

Rating: 401