Biggest Oscar in the world?

My 500 gallon 8x4x2 aquarium with 2 hbrtg Asian arowana 1 silver some koi and a massive wild caught Oscar. He was 16.5 inch long when I put him in and to give you a comparison the asian aro's are 20" . If you have a bigger Oscar I would love to see it as can't find any on net. Thanks for looking.


  1. omg, such aquarium envy
  2. That's one beautiful collection of fish to have in one tank
  3. Can we talk about that Arowana doe?
  4. koi with tropicals ..... so wrong
  5. That tank better be at least 1000 gallons
  6. How do you feed the tank. I put my huge koi that got to big for its tank in my 125 Oscar tank, any specific foods
  7. WOW i owned a 14 inch tiger oscar his back spikes were huge , broke the bag at the store
  8. Can I have one of your best airawanna
  9. it's tiny. 👎for the title click bait shit
  10. LOL, it was funny how the big oscar suddenly came across the tank to investigate. You still have this fish and is it even bigger?
  11. Oh yea, I just watched your video. 500 gallon tank! Wow thats huge. That Oscar is definitely huge man, one of the biggest I've seen. Great video.
  12. With Oscars and many other fish - the more space they have. The bigger they can get. If an Oscar is In the wild, I would imagine that they can easily exceed 16 inches. So yes you are probably right. Bottom line - an Oscar in a 100 gallon tank will definitely grow faster than an Oscar in a 50 gallon tank and ultimately it will be a bigger fish
  13. i breed guppies bigger than that guppy
  14. I'll have to see if I can find my pics I had an albino tiger Oscar that when died was 23 1/2 inches long This oscarbis a baby
  15. Wow.. Stunning arowanas
  16. I breed guppies in bulk and my oscar lives of them and greens, he's 14 inches
  17. mines bigger
  18. iv seen 2 that wher 2x biger then this 1
  19. It's the ugliest Oscar in the world. Looks like it has a hunchback

Additional Information:

Visibility: 275157

Duration: 2m 3s

Rating: 380