Biggest. Poop. Ever- Ask Hugo #36

Ask Hugo #36 enjoys talks about Poop, Star Wars, and Peter Dinklage. #Sophisticated Donate- The Qur'an Reloaded- Hugo's Twitter- @HugoReloaded Jake's Twitter- @BibleReloaded TBR Logo Created By- Chris Cheape aka CheapeOne Front End/Back End Logos and Buttons Created by- Iskander Aminov aka @Izzy_IRA Theme Song- "Hugo and Jake" Written, performed, and sung by- Dorian Silk Download the Theme Song Here- Lyrics- Dorian's Twitter- @DorianSilk


  1. Congrats Hugo! I guess eating pussy through a tooth hole is really great.
  2. Did you guys read the pizzagate emails? I don't believe in this conspiracy theory, I'm a lefty etc, but some of those emails are really fucking strange. They also looked at the owners instagram, and he has some strange child art there. I'd really love to hear someone explaining some of those emails to me, but at this point it's more plausible then the 9/11, or moon landing shit....
  3. Peter Dinklage as a rule only plays in movies where his littleness isn't a part of his character. GoT is the first thing that he did, where he plays a little person.
    Ps. I'm not a native speaker but IMO "midget" sounds more OK than being called a little person.
  4. They had to fix Mark Hamill's face because he was in a car accident
  5. I didn't realize you two shared one wife
  6. Hey TBR, your story of the massive dump reminded me of my own. I hope you'll take the time to read about it because I really think you'll enjoy it. So back when I was in high school, I was taking a bathroom break during one of my classes. As I walked over to the restroom, I suddenly passed the threshold of perhaps the most awful stenchI've smelled in years. It was sohorrible that my brain thought I was being poisoned and turned off my breathing. Suffocating, I ran out of the vicinity of the stench, and, after gaining my breath, I thought "... what the hell could have caused that?" So I took a huge breath and bolted back into the restroom. I was doing a good job of holding my breath in until I saw the source: a deuce so big that I could see it from across the bathroom, a few yards from outside the stall. It nearly exceeded the rim of the toilet! The air escaped my lungs as I gasped in shock, and I had to run back out again. I later asked people who also saw it what size it was to confirm my memory, and they said it was probably two thirds the size of a football, all in one piece. The janitor had to get it out because it was too big to flush, and a lot of the school heard about it. I think that shit would give your ex-girlfriend's shit a run for its money.
  7. I've done research into pizza gate, and all the evidence is circumstantial. There's a lot of circumstantial, such as multiple people associated with the pizza place having pedophilic symbs in like a show one of them were in, and the pizza place has a pedophile symbol in the logo, as well as another one in the same block. there were also pictures on their Twitter of them with kids who are in wierd situations. as well as art made by people associated with itwhich show children in wierd situations. oviously none of these prove it, and i haven't seen evidence for Hillary being involved or for satanic stuff. watch Sargon of akkads vid on it for more info. again, this doesn't prove it and i don't think it's true, but I think it's less insane than "bush did 9/11" and stuff like that.
  8. I only clicked this video because I just took a long overdue shit that would not flush. It just spun around. To be fair, I think hers was SLIGHTLY (and I mean SLIGHTLY) bigger, but yeah I had to plunge that shit for about 20 minutes nonstop to get that down. But since my asshole is already pretty stretchy from taking massived dumps, I barely bled at all.
  10. Comment!
  11. hugo could stick a blunt in his tooth gap. hands free
  12. About the lights, wouldn't just a sheet of paper about six inches from the front help to cut down the brightness? It should also be far enough away to not burn. At the least, you can try it. Had a three hundred watt bulb and did it, made the light far more diffused.

    Why did I have a three hundred watt bulb? Why don't YOU have a three hundred watt bulb? Do you know a faster way to melt a candle to drip it on people?

    Don't judge.
  13. Bea Arthur was in the holiday special. She's also Deadpool's biggest crush.
  14. @12:40

    ...but wouldn't you guys feel like assholes if we come to find out, Comet Pizza IS in fact a front for trafficking children.

    But in all seriousness, and speaking of fronts for things, JAKE, money laundering most certainly is NOT the only industry that would benefit from a legitimate front. I would say child rape and/or pornography would DEFINITELY need to conceal itself, as it is GENERALLY looked down upon. Moreover, I'm PRETTY SURE child trafficking is DEFINITELY a lucrative industry--I mean, think about how much money diddlers are probably willing to pay for the satisfaction of their twisted desires; hell, they're willing to risk their very life and freedom for it, so I think for the overwhelming majority of them, money is no object. Moreover, it's got to be even more difficult and expensive to traffic children than adults--sad as it is, we all KNOW that people give way more fucks about the rape of cute little kids (of any sex) than adults (women or otherwise). So I'd say there's a pretty large financial incentive to setup a front for child trafficking--plus, with ANY illegitimate industry (which I would definitely say the production of child pornography and/or child trafficking definitely qualifies as such if anything does), once it hits any scale whatsoever, you need to then accompany it with money laundering as well to actually have any hope of being able to sustain the cash flow and actually use it for anything--otherwise you'll have a hell of a time trying to explain this mysterious income if and when, virtually inevitably in our economy as it currently is, that becomes something you have to do.

    Now I'm not saying any of this lends a shred of credence to the Pizzagate "speculations," HOWEVER I do find your takedowns a little off the mark.
  15. comment
  16. Dwarfism affects bone growth, so the body forms around the smaller bones and make the person overall smaller. Because the penis doesn't contain any bones, its growth is not affected. Dwarf penis is, on average, the same as normal penis, often perceived as even larger because of the comparative size of the person it's attached to.
  17. Eat carrots and ranch and buffalo sauce, if you pretend you already ate the wings then it's not that bad.
  18. Hugo. A better alternative to flush-able wetwipes is Charmin Blue and some witch hazel or even a splash of water from the sink if its close enough.. Charmin blue and red are tough enough to not leave little pieces of toilet paper on your asshole and its quilted.., because we all know you have a secret fetish for wiping your ass on quilts
  19. So, quick question, is it "ok" to be an atheist just because I dislike the idea of being religious or part of a religion. Even though I don't personally care one way or the other about the existence of a god?
  20. Dear Jake.I am an atheist sophomore in Highschool with aspirations to become a teacher. Do you have any advice to me or any other aspiring secular teacher? Also do you have any anecdotes about your teaching experience that are particularly interesting?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 23552

Duration: 32m 46s

Rating: 1492