Brexit: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Britain could soon vote to leave the European Union. John Oliver enlists a barbershop quartet to propose a smarter option. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:


  1. Americans talking about British politics. 10/10
  2. I blame the YT recommendation engine for throwing this up. Oliver is such a smug twat sucking up at all times to his American audience, The UK's loss of this prat is thankfully also our gain. He is painful to watch. As an aside this 'host' as some sort of 'guru' who tells it 'how it is' to his audience appears to be a very US thing, one of the many oddities that divide our nations.
  3. UKIP ruins everything. Fucking dicks.
  4. wanks
  5. That last note, ouch
  6. If we stay the EU turns into USSR and collapses, these idots just want to watch the world burn. Good thing we're in the process of leaving.
  7. who's watching this again after brexit won ?
  8. I mean I guess the British woman who doesn't like "negros" was at least candid and honest, especially because she also declared she didn't know why she had a problem with them.
  9. i can just immagine this playing sunday night, that kids teacher sees it,and then she has to quietly acknowledge what he did
  10. If only there was a mandatory questionnaire on relevant facts before people were allowed to participate in any major vote.
  11. uk People and american People are explicitly Rude what the hell is this whell you're not getting back in now so yeah bye byr
  12. Oliver !! Your pal Netanyahu is on the Blower !!
  13. Oliver is a Four Eyed Traitor Cunt ! He's gone from Hero to Zero in the U K , he's now Best Friends with War Criminal Tony Blair !!
  14. Well turned out the UK is batshit crazy
    Frankfurt can't wait to be the new home of all big financial institutes that are now leaving London
  15. you are a moron.
    the EU was designed to make shore another world war/Great war NEVER happens again.
    it was NEVER meant to have the power it holds now
  16. I highly doubt most of us have done as much research as John Oliver and his team has, probably just hear things from others here and there. And yet we condescendingly think that we know more about a subject than anyone else.
  17. Fuck the EU ! The EU will be gone within ten years. The USSR ran for 80 years and collapsed over night , same thing will happen to the EUSSR .
  18. birits intinctvly say fuck you to all of Europe and every other European and most peapol from around the world intinctvly say fuck you to Britain
  19. With some rewriting this could be the new, honest anthem of EU. Fuck you, European Union, but we need you nonetheless.
  20. really hoping john oliver gets alzheimer's

Additional Information:

Visibility: 13968022

Duration: 15m 39s

Rating: 152716