Camille Ultimate Test - Crazy Interactions - How to Dodge Block Escape Cancel - Bug / Glitch lol

New Champion Camille the Steel Shadow ( Fighter / Tank ) Ultimate / Ult : The Hextech Ultimatum ( Full Test ) vs Champions Abilities and more ingame gameplay : Morgana , Fiora , Nocturne , Sivir , Kalista , Tahm Kench , Azir , Lee Sin , Poppy , Zac , Shaco , Fizz , Master Yi , Ekko , Vladimir , Bard , Pantheon , Ryze , Twisted Fate , Shen , Sion , Olaf , Kayle , Kha'zix , Taric , Riven , Diana , Warwick , Vi , Blitzcrank , Yasuo , Zed , Hecarim , Katarina , Fiddlesticks , Elise , Malphite , Rengar , LeBlanc , Rek'sai , Jarvan IV , Tristana , Taliyah , Teemo , Urgot How to dodge , block , cancel / How we can't do dodge , block , cancel . Music : Camille Login Theme ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Thanks for Watching , See You next time :) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


  1. Hello , I decided to make a new camille ultimate test ( i added new champions and old champions with new interactions ) . I hope that you will like it , See you Soon
  2. ...
  3. bard portal?
  4. Can new WW jump above cam ult?
  5. W fiora
  6. this camile ult is cancer
  7. her ult makes no sense. We can't even flash out of it. Gj riot nerf maokai more dumbassess
  8. OK question. @7:46 when she ults WW then WW ults Urgot, would Urgot be able to move if he tried?
  9. lololoollololoooooololololoololooolololooolo
  10. bards e
  11. Fizz ?
  12. Buff morgana pls
  13. Basically, anything with an iframe or spellshield can block her ult.
  14. this tilts me
  15. can malphite escape with his ult ?
    why didnt show it
  16. Why are people complaining about her ult? What else should they give her? She's a very weak champion without her ult, she's honestly the weakest fighter, they gave her this ult so she can 1v1 an adc at least in early game, she can't even 1v1 an adc in late game, regardless of mentioning that she can take dmg during her ult by all champions lol
  17. what about Klee?
  18. 9:47 what if leblanc does W before camille's ult and comes back to the W checkpoint
  19. 1:17 the Kalista Ult doesn't work 100% right, you can wait out the Camille ult in safety and then jump away, but you can't jump away while Camille ult is activ :)
  20. 6:45 lol?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 234978

Duration: 12m 42s

Rating: 1342