Chris Duffin | 2039lbs at 220 raw | 860lbs all-time squat world record | mini-documentary

"On April 5th, 2014 the most underrated lifter in the US broke the all-time 220lb squat record with a 859 pound third attempt. He ended up totaling 2039lbs, short of his goal of 2205lbs (1000kg). But the best is always yet to come." Filmed on a D7000 with a Nikor 50mm 1.2 lens, edited in Final Cut Pro X. Produced and edited by Andrei Miclea. Uploaded to this channel with the owner's permission.


  1. Tony romo can squat more than chris
  2. I got the chills from this video. Thanks for being an awesome human Chris :)
  3. this is art. film festival worthy shit bruh
  4. Really confused. everyone holds a world record???? what about ed coan
  5. What song is used in this?
  6. This man changed the sport for the better
  7. Who are the 25 little bitches who down voted this? Nobodies. That's who you are. You're a fucking nobody. Go eat the shit sandwich you wake up to everyday and realize you'll always be nothing.
  8. i have been powerlifting for 5 months now, and i couldn't deadlift more than 315, till i watched his tutorials, am happy to say i can pull 405 within the next day, thank you christ.
  9. I gotta believe based on Duffin's gym lifts he's more than capable of capturing a raw world record @220 and @242.
  10. Pulling 740 with a double over grip... Holy shit that is crazy
  11. Why don't these power lifters ever try some other kind of athletics? Scientifically they should be able to absolutely destroy some sprinters or rugby players.
  12. wouldn't ed coan be the heaviest man to..well have a total 11x his bodyweight
  13. I always find Chris's facial expression and movement before squats entertaining. Not in a mocking way, but interesting way. Most lifters will do the "stone face" look, but Chris always shakes his head whether voluntary or not. It's like he has so much energy to lift that he cant contain himself when he gets to the bar. Very motivating.
  14. motivation!!
  15. how come the deadlift is only 740? didnt you pull 900 in training?
  16. double overhand, what an animal.
  17. People are judging you for "not squating parallel". I ask them how their workout routine is going and compare them to the results of yours. You win.
  18. What a great video. HUGE Numbers!
  19. Love the 28 Days Later soundtrack in the back!
  20. Amazing strength and control. Most impressed with the double overhand dead. What organization is this in? I haven't done a PL meet in years but when I did in the APF you had to meet parallel in the squat - looks the same with this organization. I could squat 1,000 with those silly suits on but only 700 RAW. I moved onto strongman sport once I got bored with PL but it seems now that the RAW lifters are really getting the attention they deserve - the RAW lifters were nearly non-existent in the mid 2000's but now they are all over and really putting up some big numbers like this guy. I wish RAW was as popular then as it is now.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 86633

Duration: 5m 59s

Rating: 1004