Crazy Trampoline Stunt Guiness World Records edition.

Who knew that a youtube video could get me on a show like this!


  1. 1:04 Wow I thought he was going to die D:
  2. WTF
  3. FAIL!!!
  4. I know him
  5. actually shat myself at the end when he didnt make it back up and looked back bellow him as he was coming down, was like, :0!! stupid idiot! you very nearly.just ended yourself -_-
  6. Gratz, man
  7. cuz he didnt....
  8. how come you didn't do the double backflip at the end like in the original
  9. your not perfect bro so chill
  10. Your grammar sucks.
  11. This is amazing & I'm sure it's difficult to perform but I seriously don't get it... I don't get the idea behind this getting a record...
  12. Oy mmrha9817 !!!!!!! is nothing wrong with gingers you dick
  13. brilliant!!!
  14. Ginger*
  15. @TheKillerhair thought he was gonna land on his neck and snap
  16. press 8 to watch him spazz out ;p
  17. whats the point of this video if that trampoline is an olimpic trampolien??
  18. ginger!!! see
  19. sick reflexes at 1:04..
  20. Press "8" for a mid-air seizure.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 148398

Duration: 1m 21s

Rating: 307