Drone Megacopter - Guinness World Records

Henning Pedersen and students of the University of Oslo (all Norway) built a giant drone which has flown into the record books after achieving the Heaviest payload lifted by a remote-controlled multicopter. Read full story: http://bit.ly/GWR-MegaDrone Subscribe for more: http://bit.ly/subscribetoGWR Named the Megacopter, the unmanned autocraft lifted an incredible weight of 61 kg (134 lb 7.6 oz, excluding the weight of the craft itself) when it was officially tested at the Oslo Science Park, Oslo, Norway. Welcome to the official Guinness World Records YouTube channel! If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldest and most incredible things on the planet, you're in the right place. LIKE us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GuinnessWorldRecords FOLLOW us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwr Find out more: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/ Add us to your G+ circles: http://www.google.com/+guinnessworldrecords


  1. So..? what is the deal?????
  2. China has the world record. it can pick up a person that is about 160 or more. look it up. you will see it on YouTube
  3. next gen crop duster
  4. Can i get on it? i
  5. BRUHH they should put it outside at night and put lights on it so you can prank ppl it's a ufo or something! That would be cool
  6. Pretty much useless piece of crap.... they need to set rules to lift object for 30 minutes at least 10 meters in air :D and then most things you will have is battery :D and like 5% weight to carry remaining
  7. Pfff. Everyone, who is older than 10 can do system like this. -Father , please buy me 8 quadrocopters ! Than he connect them with the rope with some weight - thats it. We done! The same system, as on video showed. Why be proud for?
  8. super
  9. This made me laugh. I am from the year 2068 and we use graphene drones that can lift over 5000 times its own weight. Our nano-drones can lift 60 kgs.
  10. Great, but i think it will stay in a concept. The flight was not very stable.
  11. Thanks for this cool educational video! Here's a friendly tip. Please wear safety goggles. You have a prototype machine made almost entirely out of eight structurally interconnected hexacopters, all crammed into a relatively small space full of people. Moore's, Darwin's and Murphy's laws could be in effect here.
  12. Nerds
  13. Volocopter anyone ?!
  14. 18 месяцев соображали. Ебануться!
  15. The person in the office is sat there like, yeah I know a new world record is about to be set but I've got an email to send!
  16. Now you know where the UFO sightings come from.
  17. Now drop it onto some refugees.
  18. At CES a drone was presented that can lift a person, in a comfy cabin: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jan/07/first-passenger-drone-makes-world-debut

    And yes, that one is remote controlled as well, the passenger does not fly the craft.
  19. Love the girl in the window to the right, just plugging away on her laptop and ignoring what's happening behind her.
  20. iTs a question of a record thet my city broke is The most ration taco. is going to be in the GWR 2017?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 284723

Duration: 1m 29s

Rating: 866