Eastern Grey Kangaroos Fighting

Two male Eastern Grey Kangaroos fighting for dominance.


  1. These roos are powerful as...don't fuck with one because when they kick they have a huge middle toe claw and it can rip ya gut right open.
  2. those are some buff ass kangaroos
  3. Female kangaroo be like "here comes the new dick"
  4. unreal leg power
  5. 0:27 superb kick
  6. Brutal power, impressive animals.
  7. omg this sht is HILARIOUS ASFUCKKK
  8. at 1:18 the kangaroo kicks the other one in the balls and you can hear a poping noise
  9. Somebody pleaseeeee do a ghetto voice over for this I'm begging you😂😂😂
  10. worldstar!!!!!!!!
  11. Them some big boys
  12. ref stopped it too early
  13. and that's a boxer vs a kick boxer
  14. GO VEGAN.
  15. The challenger kept getting the high ground, if the roles were reversed or if it were smart enough to get on the high ground then the outcome would have been different.
  16. god damn they are fucking huge!
  17. Everything is fun... until British came.
  18. More action than Floyd mayweather and pacquiao match
  20. now i understand why unskilled fighters pull their heads back and flail their arms in front of them, its to protect the eyes.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 473328

Duration: 3m 20s

Rating: 826