FairlyMad: The Biggest Spider You've NEVER Seen!

Guaranteed to make you treat house spiders a little nicer... just in case their big cousins step out of the shadows once again. Welcome to the second episode of Fairlymad.com, a mini series all about unusual history, quirky true stories and strange facts! (with a hearty dose of piss taking thrown in for good measure of course) twitter.com/finalbossmedia (C) Final Boss Media


  1. dawm Daniel
  2. Spiders cannot grow that big. The gravity on earth does not support life like that.
  3. fake, fake, fake
  4. 3:10 Boobs....
  5. Fack.
  6. My sister screamed for a "massive spider"...it was a size of my thumb. nothing a glass and piece of paper wont fix. even works on huntsman (sure you use a bowl instead).
  7. I had to google this spider, and now I am freaked out. LMAO
  8. Ddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmm
  9. Vaginas Rule....
  10. Gwyn zinc been
  11. Discovered by man, hope you like the zoo :(
  12. @braglish And No worries about the long response. I actually consider myself a very open minded person. I think skeptics (like myself) tend to be very open minded as we are always skeptical yet willing to change our views when presented with evidence. I find it is often the people who believe this stuff who aren't "open minded" as they are not even willing to consider that skeptics could be right and they could be wrong. Hope this gives you a couple things to think about. Peace
  13. @braglish probably doesn't exist and I can say with little doubt that it doesn't exist. Not only is there no evidence to support its existence...but the fact that people explore these areas and none have ever turned up (outside of word of mouth stories which are absolutely worthless when trying to demonstrate something exists), is actually evidence that it doesn't exist. So on top of the fact that it is always the person making the claim's job to provide the evidence (same reason I don't
  14. @braglish go undocumented for so long if they are real. Also the giant spiders of prehistory existed in a time with much more oxygen where animals were able to support much bigger versions of themselves...these days spiders simply can't grow that big. I will never say for sure something doesn't exist (cause that would be just as illogical as asserting it does without evidence)...however, I will say that for this animal...and most cryptids in general...I can say without any doubt that it
  15. @braglish You make some okay points...and like I said before, I'm sure there is plenty of undiscovered stuff in the congo. But most certainly not a giant spider. It is just extremely unlikely that a huge animal like that, could go so many years without being documented by science (in this day and age where we are trying to document everything). They would have to have at least a good size population in order to survive. It is like all the other cryptids...there is just no way that they could
  16. @goonodeath Anyways dude, sorry for the long ass rant, just hope you take into consideration the possibilities that the world has hidden. Nothing's impossible, only improbable. Just think, if you did believe they were real, and it turns out they were, you'd already be fine with it. But if you thought it to be fake and they were real, probably sketch you out a lot more lol. Anyways, cheers.
  17. @goonodeath will basically defy most of it. It's great that you actually have input and a thought process towards this, but I personally wish you could be more open minded. For example, our domestic cats are small, nothing big by any means...but in jungles and plains there are tigers, lions, panthers etc.. which are bigger versions of what we call pets. What's to say spiders can't have relatives of bigger sizes as well. The example was rather basic, I know, but it makes my point.
  18. @goonodeath It's the same structure, just bigger in every way, including the thickness of the skeleton which ultimately means it would be able to support itself. It's respiratory system is the big problem, but evolution is key in this discussion, many creatures adapt, and change over time, to their surroundings. No one has "yet" to catch one of these "supposed" spiders, But when/if they do, I can imagine they'll have to throw a lot of research out the window considering this
  19. @goonodeath taking into account that these spiders don't have to endure winters or any kind of predator, making them able to feed on pretty much anything would make it easier to explain the size they've become. These "spiders" have been shown to exist 100-ish million years ago (I believe that's close to the time line), they've found fossil evidence. Think about the exoskeleton part as well. If a small spider can maintain itself, why couldn't one 50-100 times it's size do the same?
  20. @goonodeath I'm not arguing the fact you could be right, and it might be fake, but, think of a few things first. The congo hasn't been fully explored to every corner, and due to deforestation there, it's said they live in a heavily forested areas deep within, not to mention that seeing these things before they see/sense you would be pretty hard. the pygmies have stated that they are real, and they of all people would know this considering they live there. Also....

Additional Information:

Visibility: 26997

Duration: 5m 22s

Rating: 180