FilthyRobot's 5 Small Civilization 6 Changes with Big Gameplay Impact

Filthy speculates about the impact of 5 relatively simple changes from civ5 to civ6 that have may big impacts on the way civ is played!


  1. Hi Filthy, really like your content on Civ5 and your rational systemetic analysis, probably a great chess player as well :) Now that you've played and uploaded more Civ6 gameplay content, I'd be glad if you share your thoughts on impact of below changes, perhaps is another video:
    1. Districts and wonders tiles placement mechanic
    2. City states envoys instead of bribes + obtaining temporary military control
    3. Religion changes - introduction of religious victory + introduction of apostates and religion combat
    4. Happiness changes - to my understanding happiness has become much more per-city concern, including affect of luxuries

    Additionally, I'd be happy to hear your thought on mid to late game aspects, such as fact that eventually roads can be built with player control similar to Civ5, and the reduction of city placement importance, I saw that nukes are now mobile and I hope flight units are as well.
  2. Depending on how much you need strategic roads in your life, Rome's ability to manually place roads might play a much bigger role than I previously thought.
  3. I'm starting to get into Civ V (steam sale), and Filthys vids have been invaluable I was close to giving up on the game b/c I had no idea wtf I was doing and it just wasn't fun. Civ VI has a lot of complaints for the art direction, but as a total noob I think Civ VI has something going for it that V doesn't. It's so clear! Civ V is more beautiful sure, but it's also a lot more busy looking and when you don't know what anything is that can be overwhelming. Civ VI might be the easiest in the series for new players to get into.
  4. Do you need to be researching the tech to receive the Eureka moment, e.g. if I encounter a civ before I start Writing do I get the bonus anyway?
  5. Well I don't like any of these changes.
  7. Although I am really excited for this game, I will probably end up not getting it for another couple of years when it costs $10 for all of the dlc and game.
  8. I think you should be able to attack into rough terrain without adequate movement(1 movement into a forest or hill)... Ranged units were already so god damn strong in Civ V, do they really need to be even better?
  9. Will 2 move point ranged units be able 'scoot and shoot' ... move one tile into a 1mp tile and then launch an attack with it's remaining one move point ?
  10. My name is Japhar, I come from affar, I have a bomb in my car, Allahu Akbar!
  11. It looks like horsemen will be more valuable in the early game than in CivV.
  12. Honestly, I feel like it makes since for mounted units to be able to chase down and attack. Isn't like calvary supposed to effective at chasing down fleeing opponents?
  13. The movement cost thing seems so annoying and unnecesary. Its not like moving your armies in civ 5 wasnt clunky enough. It's a step back. Now its even more of an effort to mobilize and manage these large standing armies they seem to want us to have in the early game.
    The uncontrollable roads thing doesnt seem balanced either in the fact it can easily be abused because there's nothing stopping a larger civ player with a larger army and more resources from quickly setting a trade route to my capital, let the road be built, then declare war and route my capital using that road. How do they solve this?
  14. I think you're right filthy, mapping out those eureka moments will be very important, especially at higher difficulties. Can't wait for some deity civ VI!
  15. where is china?
  16. Speak up!
  17. Everything I disliked in Civ 5 is getting changed for the better. My real life is so going to end when this game launches.
  18. 3:16 shows Boudica as a great general. Does this mean she won't be a leader or leaders can be great persons too?
  19. Given the two-edged nature of roads, can you undo them like in Civ 5?
  20. Hey filthy, so what happens when trying to move a unit only a forest hill/jungle hill, from my knowledge those take 3 movement points to move onto, which would make it impossible for most land units to ever get onto. how is that resolved?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 32461

Duration: 9m 23s

Rating: 693