Football hitting drills

Hitting drills


  1. this like Pop Warner drills
  2. These boys not hitting. The O-line and D-line soft
  3. I Plan to play actual football this year.
  4. Wow... I Guess getting popped (Like me) Twice, Kinda teaches you hitting abilities.

    I Play some Street FB, Gett tackled and interceptions And getting popped Maaan

    Taught me some stuff.
  5. 2:40 wtf was that
  6. my school can't even afford practice jerseys
  7. them kids got some bad stance
  8. everyone has a coach that wears a straw hat lmaoo
  9. hahaha
  10. Come to my swamp. Our team beat y'all butts
  11. I'm from ohio and we would sweep them bruh, bet they cry when they get hit hard😂
  12. They soft I'm in middle school and hit harder than them
  13. This is real football right here
  14. that was nice I hit just like that n hitting drills 3:03
  15. this freshman?
  16. I played O-Line (left guard and center) for 10 years and the only one with good technique and understands the concept of foot work and "low man wins" is #64 blue. This team has a serious problem if their lineman don't start getting more aggressive.
  17. dude you need help toughening these linemen....ill be glad to help and so will a lot of these viewer's that have seen these soft linemen smh
  18. #8 in the white uniform is the best tackler they got.
  19. White #8 got skills but the rest of this team is too scared to hit
  20. this year in football (10 grade) if you broke a tackle the coach would congrat you but tell the tackler shit and this happened on both sides

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1555082

Duration: 14m 15s

Rating: 4515