Fun with dbz plot holes

it's always fun to point out the plot holes in dbz i think i've come up with a few that people haven't brought up


  1. I want to say one fun thing: As long as Cell's head is functioning, he can regenerate himself according to the manga after his explosion and Piccolo during the Buu Saga. That means Goku blasting off the head of Cell with his Kame Hame Ha is a plot hole as well, which the dub fixed luckily unlike in the japanese version which kept this obvious plothole.
  2. Zenkai power boost in general are pretty stupid. How could Goku go from 90,000 to 3 million?
  3. Um what massive power up is Cell talking about? Zenkai. When Goku or any other Saiyan gets seriously injured and survives they get a Zenkai.

    But basically everything else you stated was spot on. You should have a lot more views.
  4. In the japanese version and kai cell survived the explosion because he has a nucleus inside his head and somehow that survives the explosion allowing him to reginerate but his head was blown off by goku in there fight so ya plot hole right there
  5. you for get that in manga cell told gohan as logn his head is not dmaged I can regorw my body yet goku blow cell head off elayer so he should not be to  reform
  6.  MegaKid0 that was fan translated  viosn the real manga copy I have cell say iv power up like gohan  not goku
  7. vegeta was not eivl any more by buu sgaa sur emajin  made him eivl again be he lot go that eivl give his lfie for his son that way king yema lot veegta go he know vegeta wont   go eivl aigan
  8. Thank you for your contribution. Would you like to see all the 273 plotholes, errors and other things that bug the audience I've collected from the show?
  9. you do know that cell has knowledge of goku's first super saiyan transformation on earth, because of those robot bug things. right?
  10. the cell plothole makes sense to me
  11. why should the kais intervene against frieza evil and as strong as he was he was just the ruler of one galaxy that sounds like a lot untill you consider theres over 100 billion of them amny of them a lot bigger then ours so from the perspective of the ruler of everything who knows if he even knew frieza existed or cared and your second point makes no sence goku was training under a master that counts to and vegita had a heck of a lot more power then 8 when he was a kid as he stated he was stronger then his father who had 10,000 and nappa had a power level of 4,000 and as a general its safe to say that most were between 3,000 1,200 10,000 was there king and bardok while cell is a cuper being why cant he regenerate from one cell who knows what its powers are considering the power in it and as for why he was in perfect form well even in real life some critters can do that shit one life form can become a child again if it wants to and cell was mentioning just generic zenkai goku has done or his jump in power in such a short time for the cell games wow basically everything you said had factual errors or a reasonable explanation i try not to be negative in comments but this list was genuinely quite bad
  12. goku's PL was actually 8000 in the manga. And BTW, the eldest namek was also transported to earth and the balls followed him, so it's not a plothole.
  13. Maybe his Zenkai was so great because he had Cells from multiple Saiyans.
    I dont remember all the Saiyans he had but say he had Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Radditz, and Nappa.. Thats 5
    So since he has 5 different Saiyan's blood cells each cell gets its own Zenkai boost.. That would mean it is 5 times greater than the normal Zenkai he would get from his near death experience. 
    Also remember Dr. Gero was a genius, so maybe he found a way to manipulate the Saiyan cells so that the Zenkai effect is exponentially greater in Cell than it is in Saiyans.
    Idk if true, probably are plot holes (or bad translations).. 
  14. It's because Porunga was also transported with the others. Then Porunga split into the Namekian Dragon Balls.
  15. The Kais only meddled with things that would affect the entire universe, they were going to stop Frieza but Goku already had
  16. Power levels aren't bullshit. They represent physique. Strengths. Do that does not include technique, speed, experience and most important; talent. All of which goku had more of than vegeta. Hence why goku won. The dragonballs also got teleported to earth because dende still had a wish right? Not to mention the dragon always says 'your wish is done' kinda hard to tell your summoner when he's on a different planet. So it makes sense that the dragon teleports with it's summoner
  17. Can someone explain to me how the cells return thing is a big plothole because im confused on what he's trying to say in the video
  18. To be fair, the Buu Saga never happened; it wasn't in Dragon Ball Kai, and it wasn't what Akira Toriyama wanted to happen with the series, so rather than being negligent, the grand kai just never existed to stop Freeza. You raise some other good points, though I thought a few were either addressed in the series or nit-picky, but I think it comes down to "because it is more dramatic that way." Which is a sentiment I can understand, but still hate.
  19. the fights with cell were beyond entertaining but just plot hole riddled
  20. lol. power levels are bullshit

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Visibility: 3063

Duration: 6m 30s

Rating: 17