Furthest washing machine throw - individual

The furthest throw of a washing machine is 4.015 m (13 ft 2 in) and was achieved by Jonathan Macfarlane (New Zealand) on the set of NZ Smashes Guinness World Records at the Sylvia Park shopping mall in Auckland, New Zealand, on 23 August 2009.


  1. lol thats not proper measure
  2. the throw is at 4:50
  3. "Not far enough"
  4. Donald Trump make America great again! vote Trump!
  5. brian shaw could easily break this record
  6. Me: hey I heard you got a world record!
    Guy: yea I did
    Me: what record did you get?
    Guy: i threw a washing machine the furthest than anyone else ever has
    Me: ....
  7. The guy is racist
  8. "Fast enough"
  9. "The guy who got this record is... Uh, Polindin"
  10. Hardly a fair test. This guy had a barrier to stop his leg crossing the line.
  11. For some reason, this is in my recommend videos...
  12. Holly cr Ap
  13. Kids in Africa could of eaten that washing mashing
  14. Picks it up yeah seems about right
  15. Is there a world record for setting the most world records?
  16. At 6:31 you can see the machine actually hit a good bit less (before the black line) than what he actually marked (after the black line)
  18. And my real name is Jonathan
  19. My name is jono, you are the other jono I heared of
  20. World records are getting weirder, I'll set a world record of the worlds farthest ant thrown😁

Additional Information:

Visibility: 360588

Duration: 7m 22s

Rating: 1324