[Hearthstone] Gadgetzan Review: INFINITE JADE GOLEMS!?

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  1. There is a 90 turn limit before the game automatically draws.
  2. The moment when you realize that you want to make a jade rogue deck, but lack the N'Zoth to take full advantage of the two deathrattle cards.
  3. got rekt twice because of this stupid jade golem deck. sorry guys but playing a card over and over and over again dont take skills to use it..
    sorry that i dont know how the hell i should counter it. i am a newbie player with almost no cards. help?

    isnt jade idol suppose to be an only 'summon jade golem'??
  4. Imagine what a TWO mana card will to do cards like Sylvanas or Tyrion Fordring.
  5. devolve is a big boy counter to grimestreet style decks
  6. Wtf is that Druid card
  7. Devovle a 3 cost minion into doomcaller, that's some real value there lol.
  8. Grinder Druid is a thing
  9. You can play Jade golem deck without even putting one copy Jade idol in your deck.
  10. Why no one talks about the fact that the other player will be drawing and playing threats on the board while you fill your deck?
  11. The other o drop is the 0 mana 0/2 mech taunt
  12. jade idol is 100% the next card to be nerfed. and they will probably nerf it into oblivion.
  13. Devolve is bad against jade golems
  14. the coolest thing in this druid Card is if you have 10 copies in your collection you Will win 8*40 dust when they nerf it
  15. Gadgetzan plus Jade Idol sounds stupid
  16. this guys comment on the word devolve made me facepalm...
  17. doing druid quests will be easy
  18. Jade idol + Gadgetzan auctioneer seems pretty crazy :)

    if Jade idol is Skullclamp, Gadgetzan auctioneer is Bloodghast xD
  19. Getting my golden druid just in time it seems :3
  20. Jade Idol will obviously be nerfed, best way would to make it shuffle 2 copies. It would be slower, but still rather okay-ish.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 94621

Duration: 18m 2s

Rating: 1131