[Hearthstone] The Yogg-Saron OTK

Hearthstone | A highlight of the best epic Yogg-Saron I’ve ever seen Get Awesome Games ► http://www.G2A.com/r/kripp Kripp’s Hearthstone Stream ► http://www.twitch.tv/nl_kripp Subscribe & check back for more content - two Hearthstone videos uploaded every day at 3pm EST / 9pm CET! Watch another Kripp video! Riding The RNG Wave ► http://bit.ly/rngwave How Good Is Blade of C’thun? ► http://bit.ly/bladeofcthun RNGesus Hates Kripp ► http://bit.ly/rngesus ● Twitter https://twitter.com/Kripparrian ● Instagram http://instagram.com/casualKripp ● Kripp Store http://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/Kripp


  1. Classic Kripp. When he wins through RnG he's the happiest boy there ever was. When he gets RnG'fucked, he becomes a sourpuss.
  2. When Whispers of the old gods is going to be retotated to wild?
  3. nice yogg LOL
  4. Praise Yogg - funny
  5. praise yogg
  6. And now he got nerfed and is shit
  7. That is not OTK.
  8. and then.. charge was nerfed
  9. I think the term OTK specifically means when you make your opponent go from full life to zero in one turn. I could be wrong though, I just play childrens card games.
  10. Ultimate Bullshit Power Go!
  11. What a bout a spirit beast in hunter a 1/1 for 1 which gains aditional attack based on you Spell dmg. And then you could make an unleash the spirit beasts.
  12. this deck is even better now with barnes, possibly without yogg. basically guarantees that you either get thaurissan or malygos for 4 mana. if you have thaurissan in hand or have played it, that's basically lethal on turn 8 lol. if you have malygos in hand, then you can get two guaranteed turns of thaurissan as long as it's not at the bottom of your deck. so either way you're winning. imo this is viable solely because hunter has so many spell cards that produce minions. so you can actually create a viable hunter deck with only 2 minions in it, because your spells ARE minions. now you also have cat trick, yet another way to create good, mana efficient minions without putting them in your deck. i've even used infest, just because it's really important to have stuff on board with hunter since, unlike malygos druid, you have neither ramp nor heals. unlike miracle rogue, healing is totally impossible with this archetype since all neutral cards are minions and you can't have other minions. i actually playtested something similar, a control priest deck with only thaurissan and malygos (could use velen but malygos is better with holy smite and the extra mana cost doesn't matter when you're playing it off resurrect), which used resurrect and ivory bishop to resummon malygos. so you're hoping they waste removal on your malygos or thaurissan because you're just gonna replay it with resurrect. if you do it with malygos then you can basically always have an automatic 2 mana +5 spell damage in hand. ivory bishop as an emergency card, only to be played if resurrect is at the bottom of your deck or if you've already played both resurrects. if you do it with thaurissan then you basically ensure that all your cards can be combo'd in one turn with maly even when you're playing maly off the actual card itself rather than res. honestly you can do this without thaurissan i just think thaurissan adds some consistency. but yeah since resurrect is only 2 mana, thaurissan is strictly unnecessary since your lethal combo (for everything except control warrior & yogg druid, who can build armor) is less than 8 mana. AND you can play potentially 4 resurrects, so 5 malygos. anyway, i playtested it and won quite a few games actually, but the two most common control decks BY FAR on the legend ladder are control warrior and yogg druid. these are horrible matchups for you inherently due to armor, but also because they have cards they can keep playing while you end up milling yourself if you don't waste cards just to avoid milling. like yogg druid doesn't want to play anything that you can pain or death or entomb or excavated evil. so you end up with too many cards in hand. it's really frustrating and when you do get a nice entomb, you can't play it because it will fuck up your resurrect whether you're waiting for malygos or more dmg spells. so it's really hard to play against control, you can't get rid of your cards fast enough and warrior/druid quickly build up enough armor to avoid your lethal. and after that it's all over since this is your only damage. you also don't have justicar to improve the fatigue matchup because it'd fuck up your resurrects if you play it, or get in the way in your hand if you don't. but this does shit all over most aggro decks. unlike other malygos decks it can consistently heal for a shit ton and has a lot more removal (and better removal) than druid or even warrior. and it has resurrect so you don't need to get the entire combo in hand on one turn. this is a huge advantage playing against aggro. you can plow right through them. but yeah i ended up eventually just deleting the deck because every time i matched with a warrior or druid i had to just concede before the game even started. i already knew it was a waste of time. the game stalls out while you wait for your lethal... which is fine in other matchups because you can heal and remove. but they give you nothing to remove, and in the meantime they use their mana to build up enough armor to avoid lethal. they don't even realize that's what they're doing, since honestly who plays malygos combo priest? they just want to use their turns efficiently in terms of value, but they end up making the matchup impossible. so this sucks, at least in legend. on the flipside, malygos HUNTER has an incredible matchup against everything, with the one weakness being the same as malygos rogue's (another great deck u can climb to rank 1 legend with): no healing. it's worse than rogues in the sense of not having nearly as much card draw or cycle (or conceal) but it's better than rogues in the sense of not even needing it. who needs miracle draw/cycle when you can just apply constant pressure while passively drawing the necessary cards? this is better since in matchups with control decks, they don't realize you're a combo deck so they aren't worried about staying at max hp/armor. you only reveal that you're a combo deck when you play thaurissan or barnes, basically.
  13. never lucky babyrage
  14. When I play Yogg it doesn't always OTKs, but when he does, he OTKs me kappa
  16. "Death is for the god of death" 5:35
  17. Why play worgens when you have yog
  18. I laughed so hard at this.
  19. I was praying you'd get a Flare too, so you 'd destroy the Ice Block!

    :( But it was a mere M'Entity
  20. lmao his face when the windfurry hits yogg

Additional Information:

Visibility: 427764

Duration: 6m 37s

Rating: 9737