Highest Parkour Jump

highest parkour jump in the world


  1. did he land on a mat
  2. fake crap
  3. OMG
  4. Some guy committed suicide then another guy was hiding and walked out when he fell lol idfk
  5. It is fake, if you slow-mo it you can see that he stepped in air and thrusted.
  6. ( ゚Д゚) ス、スゲー!
  7. this isn't fake , when you know how to land exactly and have extremely good Timing you can do that  but one milisecond false and you are ripped apart , if you have no idea how parkour is working and have never tried height landing then please don't say it's fake before you even don't know how ridicilous it Looks but is possible.
  8. fake-out but nevermind. Infact he will end in hospital cause of the high speed he dont have enough time to roll and the impact will be giant...r.i.p legs
  9. When he went for the run up they added on him jumping in front of a greenscreen and pasted it on to the clip
  10. its a fake
  11. is that fake ?
  12. music?
  13. How high was that... 3 floors?
  14. What is this guy thinking
  15. if u look closely u can see him all the time
  16. and plus he must have stayed up for like two days trying to make the clips smooth transitions and make it look real, there's usually a pause in the frames going to the next frame but if he layered them over each other the guy would look out of shape his whole torso would be on the left when his head is way on the right, ITZZZZ real.
  17. if its fake what about the mid air thing did they freeze in mid air and teleport to the ground for another clip no you cant stop in mid air so its real
  18. So fake!
  19. Hes just committing suicide am i right...
  20. this fake is quite well done tho

Additional Information:

Visibility: 47309

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 229