HOLY DAMAGE, NASUS IS SO BROKEN! Nasus Top Full Gameplay - League of Legends - Season 6

Lol Good Game :D Hope you guys enjoy the nasus gameplay! :D Learnlol.com - Learn about league!! Watch me Live at www.Twitch.tv/dogyking Runes and Masteries! http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Ghost+to+Lane Twitter! www.twitter.com/ghosttolane


  1. cool vid duude
  2. nice vid
  3. like ehmm like ehhmmm LIKE
  4. nasus;
    laning phase; Farming simulator
    late game; chasing simulator
  5. Iceborn | Warmogs | Spirit Visage | Frozen Heart is nasus core items
  6. u can stack in gangplank barrels too
  7. What does it mean when ppl say "kayne"????
  8. I just love watching people playing Nasus Idk
  9. Nasus is my favorite champions
  10. nasus is not broken noob hes cut. many dmg becouse of stacks not because is broken idiot
  11. I main jungle rengar, after seeing this video.. I might switch to Nasus. lol Great video and I sub :)
  12. guys, how do you turn on the description of the items at the shop?
  13. Is there anyway you could do like a complete written breakdown?or link a breakdown like yours???plsss
  14. Hey man thanks so much!Im still noob-ish but I love Nasus hes an amazing champ,this tut video is amazing man
  15. I like these videos but I'm new to league so I don't really understand the lingo, but I get the gist
  16. So nice, keep it up! <3
  17. Good Gameplay but im a Nasus main and i think 300 Stacks in min. 20 isnt that good you need something like 500-600
  18. ... ~_~
  19. You should have at least 400 stacks at 20 minutes if you are playing cdr nasus. Still a great vid tho
  20. Hey get triforce instead of gauntlet more damage and get frozen heart it's much better I think ( as a nasus main) my suggestion

Additional Information:

Visibility: 22683

Duration: 19m 38s

Rating: 288