How Do Asian Giant Hornet Queen Build a nest

Asian Giant Hornet Interesting Facts and Features The stinger of the Asian Giant Hornet is 1/4 inch long and because it has no barb, the Asian Giant Hornet is able to sting it's victims multiple times. The venom injected by the stinger is incredibly potent and contains eight different chemicals, each with a specific purpose. These range from tissue degeneration and breathing difficulties, to making the sting more painful and even attracting other hornets to the victim. The Asian Giant Hornet is a relentless hunter and only a few are said to be able to completely wipe out a 30,000+ Honeybee colony in a couple of hours. The saliva produced by the larvae of the Asian Giant Hornet is said to give them their renowned energy and stamina when consumed on a regular basis. When chasing their prey, they have been reported travelling distances of up to 60 miles, at a top speed of 25 mph. Asian Giant Hornet Relationship with Humans Oddly enough, these incredibly large and indeed dangerous Insects, are actually eaten by people who share the habitat of the Asian Giant Hornet. The Asian Giant Hornet is consumed by some as a regular source of food and is most commonly deep fried or served as a Hornet sashimi. Despite the fact that the venom of the Asian Giant Hornet is incredibly potent, it is only in rare cases when the person is more vulnerable, that it is actually the poison that has caused them to die. In Japan alone, 40 people are killed every year by stings from Asian Giant Hornets but fatalities are mainly caused by allergic reactions, often from multiple stings. I do love Praying mantis and made this channel to all ppl who want to know more about them. Vespa mandarinia giant hornet wasp killer japanese hornet asian killer hornet killer hornets giant wasp giant asian hornet japanese wasp japanese hornet sting giant japanese hornet giant bee killer wasps asian hornet asian giant hornet sting asian wasp hornet killer huge wasp japanese giant hornet sting hornet bee killing hornets large hornets killing wasps asian hornet sting large wasp giant hornet sting largest wasp japanese killer hornet vespa hornet largest hornet huge hornet asian giant hornets big wasp queen hornet wasp killing killer asian hornet giant killer hornets huge bees big hornet vespa mandarinia japonica japanese killer wasp hornet species wasp vespa bee killer wasp giant asian wasp giant killer bees hornet attack giant japanese hornet sting hornet queen hornets bees japanese bee what kills hornets hornets and wasps giant asian hornet sting china bee the asian giant hornet vespa wasp the asian killer hornet japanese giant wasp asian giant wasp I do love Praying mantis and made this channel to all ppl who want to know more about them.


  1. The Asian Giant Hornet Stung 70 People In Mexico 120 People In The United States 100 People In Canada Each 4 Years 40 People In Japan Each Year But The Asian Giant Hornet Sting These People Could Have An Allergic Reaction Once An Asian Giant hornet Was Found In Glen Cove New York USA
  2. What exactly did you shove up in there and why?
  3. I would've knocked her ass right off the nest and stomped her out
  4. What was that you put at the end?
  5. I would've let her build the Outside up and let her go back inside and then light it on fire
  6. You killed her, right?
  7. Looks like the new sex toy.
  8. I can't even make this nest and this tiny thing has the intellect to make it then will raise an army ants , wasps are so neat there my favorite
  9. Let her literally build her own grave
  10. Fucking hell i would just blow them off the face of the earth
  11. Did they put a tampon on the nest at the end?
  12. We have an aerial yellow jacket species AKA Bald Faced hornet that will make that entrance tube as well
  13. *knocks nest down and points to the queen * NOT on my car .... and you missed a spot
  14. She is an artist.
  15. I have a newfound appreciation for queens. I had no idea they create the entire foundation of their nests all by themselves. No wonder their children are so loyal.
  16. they may be vial demonic creatures, but wow are they intelligent and boy do they have some amazing ingenuity. also, talk about hard work!
  17. I was hoping this would be a sweet time-lapse. Oh well.
  18. Kill it with fire... Please.
  19. oh

Additional Information:

Visibility: 65576

Duration: 2m 24s

Rating: 140