How to counter ASSASSINS - How to beat and deal with them

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  1. Thanks, that helped a ton. 👍
  2. time for an update.
  3. all the assassins mains are coming next patch
  4. Zed mains should die
  5. just got pooped on by zed (as brand, i was first pick) and let me tell you somthing phy, i doubt it will happen to as often after this video. THANK YOU!
  6. Just watching this before i play v Kennen+Lux+Jax+Fizz as an ADC...
  7. Muhahah you can't counter zed with QSS now.
  8. Cant cleanse zed anymore, how to fight him now?
  9. This needs an update with the new patch.
  10. QSS doesn't remove Zed's ult anymore :O
  11. An assassin walks into a bar......

    gragas says "i cant provide a counter for you"
  12. "Burst champions have long cds" HA! oh wait you're serious? let me laugh harder HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA say that to leblanc.
  13. I found Janna best champion to protect Adc from Talon.
  14. Honestly one of the most frustrating things about this game is playing ADC, doing well in lane and getting killed in less than 1 second every teamfight for the rest of the game because Lee Sin went 8-0 early and Kat is Kat. Or Talon, who managed to kill me in 0.31 seconds a few games ago.

    I'm so tired of assassins... honestly, building defensives like this really don't ever seem to help in these situations. I do my best to stay back and use my abilities welll... but dying in less than a half a second is just flat out not fun.

    EDIT: Not saying assassins are necessarily OP, but they almost always seem to get fed early and just make the game constantly unfun for me. It's extremely difficult to handle being killed in less than a second.
  15. Is Lissandra a good pick against assassins?
  16. How to counter assassins... PLAY KAYLE
  17. I have a question. Does QSS cleanse Lee Sin's Q mark so that he cant follow up and jump on me
  18. Ok, Im an assassin main, and one thing I notice about people at all skill levels... this is VERY important.


    Especially if I know i have a gold advantage, I will sit around hurt on purpose. Its so tempting for people to come and try to get the "easy kill". A flash and full wave of abilities, and youre left dead wondering "wtf happened?". The biggest culprits are the ranged ADC types. Obviously, if i know CC is coming, I gtfo, but its an effective strategy, especially early game.
  19. As a talon main, I have to ask you to take this video down.
  20. Step 1: lock twitch
    Step 2: Bait their comboes on another champion (Blaming can be evident but ignore it)
    Step 3: Pop otta nowhere
    Step 4: ??
    Step 5: Profit

Additional Information:

Visibility: 108897

Duration: 6m 53s

Rating: 2424