How to deal with nasus

Me 2 days ago "I'll make 1 vid a day" Fails on day 3 This is harder then I thought lol. Check out my stream at I stream from 8-10 pm EST everyday except Sundays (stream schedule may change depending on ranked 5s team)


  1. I'm a Nasus main but I like how you explain things clearly but simple. I was learning a lot from you. So... you really deserved a sub!!!!
  2. This applies to almost every fed top laner. Murder other lanes.
  3. I might buy nasus after I buy renekton
  4. lol this kid is nubbbbb
  5. As a Nasus main, can confirm there is nothing worse than hitting your 300 stacks at 15 minutes, looking around at the map and realising that while you've defended your top turret and maybe taken their top turret, you've lost 2 turrets mid and an inhib bot...
  6. As a nasus main this made me laugh hard lol " murder his family"
  7. If he cant get to you..Meanwhile his team comp is Galio mid,amumu jung,ori support and sivir adc for a small movement speed buff for Nasus
  8. i'm a nasus and riven main.

    It's fucking hilarious man.
  9. I am doing a quasus build for my Nasus. He is going to have 20% CDR at start.
  10. The new slogan should be

    Nasus: You won lane and I went 0/10/0? Tell your adc that in half an hour when I one shot him
  11. When I play against Nasus, I just get executioner's calling and beat the ever living shit out of him. I'm not going to let him farm, I'm going to murder him instead
  12. Old video, but good one. Nice points vs nasus, although as you mentioned rumble push wave when herass, so he become easy target for enemy jungler and riven is not a counter at all. She pushes hard, and with ~100-150stacks and one item nasus just crash her and usually she has no tools to kill him when he plays safe. Very good point with killing other lanes. This is why i usually take against nasus something like garen/malphite or team oriented champs to roam after 6 and build lead for my team. Best counters: olaf/darius/vayne/renekton/master(1vs1 in late game) and annoying as f anivia top.
  13. what happens when his w slows your fed bot lanners... they lose
  14. You can use singed, or malphite, he can't do shit if you scale better or if u are more relevant in TF
  15. thats why when i'm pick Nasus i protect my family in mid game, tp on bot, go gang mid, AND RIP APART EVERYONE WHO WANT TO TOUCH MY ADC!
  16. Lee Sin top is how you beat nasus lol
  17. your voice calms me so i dont tilt hahah xD
  18. Every time we have to face Nasus:"alright boys we got gangbang bot lane then take mid lane tower before the dog gets 300 stacks, we got shit on his teammates hard and brutal"
  19. lol back when Nasus was op, now he's complete fucking trash...
  20. You do deserve a sub (y)

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Duration: 7m 22s

Rating: 4569