(I) 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 6 (I) PHYSICS 9/11

Completed 3/22/2014 by James Easton and Steve Grage THE EPITOME OF NO PLANES FILMS on the subject. Are you a No Brainer? Then you probably believe there were PLANES on 9/11. Well... THERE WEREN'T! Produced by James Easton of WAKEUP PRODUCTIONS, creator of 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE which has 700,000 views on Youtube. Steve Grage is a credentialed ENGINEER with 25 years experience. This is no joke. Word is spreading. Pretty soon you too will be saying THERE WERE NO FUCKIN PLANES ON 9/11 PERIOD! James Easton - September 20, 2014


  2. What a rambling, droning, incoherent, jumbled, cluster-F this video is!
  3. I think you are much worse and definitely no better than any others who make their views known on you tube. You are just more arrogant, vulgar and childish.
  4. get a better narrator other than that goood job
  5. james you make interesting points, but your monotone delivery and slow paced voice is boring. speed it up and make your points quicker
  6. racist mostly crap. like pewdepie commenting over 911 clips.
  7. From the trees
  8. 1:46:36 Where is the birds ?
  9. Przez to kłamstwo zalewają ciapate kurwy Europę . Saddam trzymał ich krótko. I co ty kurwo bush'u na to. Mam nadzieje że Trump coś z tym zrobi. Jebać H Clinton
  10. Oskar dla pani z 1.08.42
  11. Dla mnie jesteście kupą gówna .Skoro wasz rząd poświęca ponad 3000 tyś swoich ludzi żeby zarobić hajs. Chyba nie wiecie co to jest patriotyzm. Powinniście wyjść na ulicę i obalić ten rząd który zabił waszych braci. Condoliza opowiada o 9.11 i się śmieje . Jesteście pojebani??? Ja bym ją powiesił , ta suka o wszystkim wiedziała , tak jak cały rząd. America Wake up
  12. Dla mnie jesteście kupą gówna .Skoro wasz rząd poświęca ponad 3000 tyś swoich ludzi żeby zarobić hajs. Chyba nie wiecie co to jest patriotyzm. Powinniście wyjść na ulicę i obalić ten rząd który zabił waszych braci. Condoliza opowiada o 9.11 i się śmieje . Jesteście pojebani??? Ja bym ją powiesił , ta suka o wszystkim wiedziała , tak jak cały rząd. America Wake up
  13. American People if you belive the airplane hit the WTC you are stupid. I come from Poland. Dla mnie zawsze byliście narodem debili. Wierzycie w to co wam mówią media . Prosty przykład "Polskie obozy śmierci" HUJ nam pomogliście w 2 wojnie . Powinniście zrzucić "Little Boy" na ruskich
  14. 1:42:19 its smoke idiot
  15. I always thought that if you propel an object fast enough, it would penetrate any barrier. Could have happened this phenomenon here?
  16. So, far the film is interesting, but his anti-Israel politics is becoming highly distracting. Keep the 'Zionist' crap out.  Thank you
  17. No planers are the dumbest dipshits on this flat earth
  18. Thank you for pointing out the 200 fps on that Hezarkhani shot....Ive seen so many clips of it but no one ever gets into detail.... Ace did an excellent job, too.... I couldnt figure out why some people had the ability to show it the way you just did... I figured it was native 30 fps
  19. If the evidence shows that the planes were fake then it's obvious that jet fuel couldn't have melted the steel beams...because there was no jet fuel. I think this is an interesting angle for truthers, because endlessly arguing about NIST, free fall speed and all that crap will just attract the shills and not get the truth movement anywhere.
    Instead the easiest way to prove controlled demolition is no planes.
  20. The author is clearly a troll paid off to discredit 911Truth. Mixing facts and crazy statements like the airplane can't fly into a WTC tower and cut through the builing. If you want to go through all the effort to convince people of your point of view, you do not use the f-word throughout. Reiterating all known 911Truth points of view and pulling it into the absurd by claiming there were no planes is sheer intentional undermining of 911Truth movement.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 136009

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 735