Japanese Cutting BIG Tuna in the Streets of Tokyo JAPAN

MY CHANNEL www.youtube.com/user/japanistic I was visiting Asakusa and there was a big tuna fish being cut outside in the street for a Japanese restaurant. Estaba visitando Asakusa y me encontré con estas personas cortando este atún enorme para servirlo en el restaurante Japones.


  1. Directo en mi animalismo :(
  2. That must of smelled really bad
  3. Freaking Japanese people
  4. It's not a knife, it's a katana.
  5. You're telling me that giant monster is what's going in those tiny little cans?!
  6. cretinos um pouco legais japonejes
  7. Le daré like aunque yo no como carne xD
  8. 00:48 a una mujer incluso le dio un orgasmo al ver como abren el pez..
  9. leo nos abandono :(
  10. stupid japs😂
  11. thing's so big it's like cutting into a small cow.
  12. 又是日本畜生
  13. are oh chutiya
  14. maşalah desene
  15. Tienen que comer. y entre un niño con hambre o una tuna. Que se joda la tuna.
  16. Esos lokillos japoneses que se creen samurais
  17. que grande!!!!!
  18. japon la maquina de matar lo que sea a la naturaleza...
  19. Just a common german meal
  20. Por Este video empece a seguir tu canal

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2500072

Duration: 1m 26s

Rating: 2898