JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.


  1. In 1963 it was impossible to remove frames
  2. So far this documentary has a few holes, first why would they fund hitler and not stalin as well, if they always fund both sides? Why would the americans ally themselves against hitler and not stalin, if getting rid of bolshevism was the key, and why did the rothchilds oversee the death of millions of their jewish people? Makes no sense, the fact that all these documentaries avoid talking about jews is so suspicious, considering they are in control of all the money, how odd. I was really hoping it was gonna be a good documentary.
  3. This should be shown in theaters all over the USA.  Exposing the lies of the government for over 70 years and the evil of the Bush family to everyone.
  4. Why the jewish role is missing in this long story?Rather mysterious
  5. If there were 8 shooters then everyone in the motorcade would have died
  6. I'm still watching this, but had to look at comments. All in all, this is one of the kindest comment boards I've ever seen--about anything!
  7. Criminality? Right, that is what sin is.
  8. Truly sick. These elites are so deranged. Sick. No doubt they will do this again.
  9. Jesus did say that the pharisees to the pharisees that they were snakes in the grass.
    Yes; The devil does use religion too.
  10. Now that you know, dig deeper! “PIZZAGATE FOR DUMMIES” free eBook 62 pages. Is it a hoax? You be the judge:
  11. when they were shocked by lenin/trotzki - why did they finance trotzki (bronstein) ?
  12. Eddie Bravo brought me here...
  13. Ted Kennedy along with the rest of the Kennedy clan are drunk, manipulating, womanizing, lying dirtbags. The old man was nothing more than a gangster and his kids were arrogant assholes that were gonna take and do whatever they wanted.
  14. It's the Jews, ALWAYS the eff'n Jews - "By DECEPTION they shall make war..." (REMEMBER THE U.S.S. LIBERTY!...)
  15. Turned it off 30 mins in after realizing they were conveniently left out the top of this evil food chain: fake Jews (ashkezani) and Zionism. Classic misdirection propaganda by the evil fake jews yet again.
  16. I read in a book on the Kennedy's that a major reason for not allowing a civilian doctor to
    autopsy the body in Dallas was to prevent word leaking that JFK had a venereal disease and it would sully his path to martyrdom. The body was essentially removed by threat and force and hurried off to Bethesda Naval Hospital.
  17. I'd like to see sources for this. Seems like the same old "money blah blah nazi blah blah" documentary. Don't get me wrong I liked this video but it also foments dis-information as well. People need to dig into sources and not fall for anything on YouTube.
  18. Chauncey Holt was the fatal shooter, the cop! He was also an expert mark,s man.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4091171

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 34627