John Carpenter - Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - COMPLETE VIDEO

John Carpenter's original stint on WWTBAM winning $1 million. Original episode : November 19, 1999


  1. 1K dislikes?
  2. what a god
  3. how much tax on the million will he pay ?
  4. Most of these questions are ridiculously easy
  5. all these are easy though
  6. What a legend
  8. As a foreigner, i found it impossible to answer any of the question below 64000$, but after that, it is just getting easy for me. Is that you're scholar system america?
  9. This guy looks, sounds , and acts like a nerdy Matt Damon
  10. Honestly only would have struggled with Tombstone, I.M. Pei, and Richard Nixon. Those were some easy questions
  11. What year is this? Questions are easy.
  12. reminds me of a real life Micheal Scofield haha
  13. Idubbz is that you?
  14. Keep in mind the school wasn't the same inb4 and they didn't knew that much as we do now.
  15. Phoenyx for 64k??
  16. This was way too easy. I'm only seventeen and the only one I couldn't answer correctly was the one about I.M. Pei. Not saying this guy isn't smart or that he couldn't have won with harder questions, but these ones were a lot easier than any others i've seen.
  17. lesson learned girls , marry a smart guy
  18. Now i know, education can make money..
  19. Pretty easy question for 1 million.
  20. He is the legend27

Additional Information:

Visibility: 10871313

Duration: 19m 6s

Rating: 82882