If you ever have been to the Philippines, you would have probably heard or have been warned by the locals to not go out during the night. The ‘aswangs’ and other Filipino mythical creatures lurk in the cover of the dark looking for some tasty victims. One of these many ‘creatures’ is the ‘kikik.’ This creature is described as looking like a giant bird bat. The ‘kikik’ prowls the night looking for pregnant women. The giant bat-like monster would devour the fetus inside the womb by using a long proboscis. While doing this abominable act, a ‘kik-kik-kik’ would be heard. Like most folk tales and legends, the ‘kikik’ may be based on an actual animal. Folks, let me introduce you to the ‘Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox.’ This giant bat is nocturnal and with its giant wing span and eerie sound, this animal may be the inspiration of the ‘kikkik’ and other scary mythical creatures. One of these scary creatures was spreading fear in a small town in the Philippines. People who had the chance to encounter the giant bat flying were terrified. When the Philippine troops captured the creature, the giant bat was a sight to behold. Local people even referred to it as the ‘Chupacabra,’ a creature that feeds on the blood of animals. The giant bat can travel at least 25 miles in a night to look for food. It feeds on figs and fruits such as puhutan, lamio, banka, tangisand, bayawak and other strangler figs - not fetus and blood like the legends say (lucky for us!). These fruit bats have no tails, and can grow up to 1.5 to 1.7 meters in length and their wingspan can reach up to 1.8 meters. They can weigh from 0.7 to 1.2 kilograms. The Acerodon jubatus are the largest bat species in the world and they are not related to foxes as their name suggest. These giant bats are also called the ‘Silent Planters’ because these species are known to scatter the seeds of the fruits they eat in their droppings all over their territories. This act makes giant golden-crowned flying-foxes very vital to the ecosystem. They are known to live in colonies to avoid predators but because of their stigma as fetus-eating creatures, they are hunted to near extinction. And, the destruction of their habitat greatly reduced the numbers of these fascinating animals. The giant bat species is listed as endangered species and there is now a conscious effort to protect, preserve and breed these fascinating creatures. If you like the video, please press the Like Button below and Subscribe to our channel to watch future videos of the Most Amazing, Bizarre and Weird stuff from around the World!


  1. I had ben in the philipins
  2. that is a fox bat
  3. that was a fox bat
  5. Im a pilipino its not kickic its tik tik
  6. This is fake
  7. Hi
  8. fake
  9. Im a filifino in the philipines that kikik is called mananangal
  10. this is fake go watch it it's fake
  11. Fake!!! The soldier not looking at the back and they not going it carefully! The sword is on top of the bat head (1:30 and pause and look at it) and is fake
  12. 666 comments O_O now 667 :)
  13. BATMAN got owned.
  14. the bat is real but it maximize the bat size so its fake billschannel said
  15. So the ass wank tribe is afraid of fruit bats. Primitive morons afraid they snatch babies in the night or some shit.
  16. sorry im lives in Philippines ther are no news
  17. Insert unintelligent comment saying all humans are bad here.
  18. I'm from philliphines
  19. Its fake
  20. This is so fucking fake.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 861475

Duration: 3m 32s

Rating: 3914