Largest Mouth Gape - Guinness World Records

Get ready to say “ahhhh!” Bernd Schmidt (Germany) is the incredible Guinness World Records title holder for the Largest gape. Full story: ► Subscribe for more: As one of the stars of #GWR2017, he earned himself a spot in this year’s book for having a mouth that stretches a whopping 8.8cm, which is just over the length of a baseball. Welcome to the official Guinness World Records YouTube channel! If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldest and most incredible things on the planet, you're in the right place. ► LIKE us on Facebook: ► FOLLOW us on Twitter: ► Find out more: ► Add us to your G+ circles:


  1. Lock jaw anyone?
  2. I am hepi and I am veri pawd of my fathery
  3. Suarez only enemy
  4. Dieses deutsche englisch xD
  5. Thats realy usefull
  6. Most Americans at McDonald's can do this, what a joke.
  7. He looks like a mute guy trying to scream
  8. i feel the the pain for that apple he destroyed that thing god
  9. spricht englisch wie abgelesen :D nofront
  11. Ayo Whats That Mouth Do!!!
    lol sorry
  12. Ow I tried opening my mouth as long as possible and got a charlie horse with my jaw
  13. can you send please a yawn video
  14. Lucky, I wanna eat a burger like dat omg 😂
  15. Augustus gloop ?
  16. um how
  17. It reminds me of attack on titan😂😂
  18. What a celebration OMG
  19. im copying what he's doing then suddenly my jaw hurts!
  20. Dude could eat some serious schnitzel

Additional Information:

Visibility: 331808

Duration: 1m 57s

Rating: 2396