Liquid Lounge Vape Shop San Diego Electronic Cigarette

Liquid Lounge is a vape shop located in the Gaslamp area of San Diego. Liquid Lounge is the premiere place to find all your electronic cigarettes needs, and interact with other vape enthusiast. This is the place to sit down with friends and smoke electronic cigarettes and find the comfort of a great chill spot. Liquid Lounge will be the place for you to find the best flavors for your electronic cigarettes. You'll also find the top brands like Pink, White Rhino, and Liquid Lounge's own set of flavors. You can also find starter kits here, which is great for someone just getting into the vape world. Liquid Lounge also has the top Atomizers in San Diego. This vapor shop prides itself in carrying only the best quality items. We have the following Atomizers: Kanger EVOD Kanger Pro Tank II Kanger Pro Tank/EVOD Replacement Atomizer Head Why go any where else for all your e-cigarette needs? Visit the Liquid Lounge for great music and the best flavors in the city of San Diego. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


  1. What a bunch of cringe
  2. damn what a lonely sausage fest, bunch of posers standing around 'vaping' their lungs
  3. Is that weed? Or are they just babies smoking cigarettes? Seeing this reminds of the pussy kids in middle school sneaking fruit punch and feeling badass, no it's dorky as hell. Room full of wimps man, smoke weed or get the fuck out. Fuckin dorks.
  4. This is the douchiest thing I've ever seen.
  5. Daaamn! I need to get over to San Diego! ^_^
  6. this place is dope would love to come and vape over here! even though its the opposite side of the country from me
  7. what's this music name?
  8. why i only see asians?
  9. Damn cool vape clouds!
  10. Hell Yah! Vape it up! i live in san diego, have not got a chance to check this place out. i will soon. hopefully i have good luck. #VapeLife

Additional Information:

Visibility: 19332

Duration: 1m 51s

Rating: 115