Master Mystifier Dixie Dooley World Record Magic

Master Mystifier Dixie Dooley suspends a beautiful girl in midair! See full length magic video in hi res on!


  1. The girl is beautiful, that's for sure.
  2. Uhm.... Even I saw how that one was done! Hehey!
  3. I like Dooley from way back. He's paid his dues but this video is not that impressive. Looks like someone else besides him put it together though. Standard chair levetaion for a really long time. At least he raised money for charity. Some of these comments are just pathetic. Shut up and go learn to perform magic FOR MONEY and then you can have the credibility to comment.
  4. Yes, but you are just one of thousands of typical, hateful, cynical internet morons that bash everything and everyone because of your own self hate. How pitiful your life must be.
  5. He's one of the best in the escape business! I suppose you you think that YOU could beat him? LMAO!!
  6. Wow! not only is the girl suspended in air the white blanket is too.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 67905

Duration: 1m 51s

Rating: 16