Monster bull moose gets devastated at 12yards by a Toxic Broadhead Special thanks to Steve & Jacquie Shore of Hitmen Canada TV


  1. So it's cool to watch an animal choke on its own blood. How flunked up is that at least have the fortitude and end its suffering immediately. For you people talking about having guts to take down an animal that size with a bow no have real guts and take down that animal with a blade a machete or even a sword that would be real guts .
  2. I would love to shoot this cocksucker with HIS OWN BOW at 12 yards, then piss on him.
  3. fuckin awsome
  4. sickening!
  5. Sorry if this sounds stupid but the title says toxic broad head so does that mean poison and is the meat ruined?
  6. i got an adrenaline rush! wasn't pretty but still.. moose steak tonight woop!
  7. what's the point of doing this? Killing a innocent animal, christ you guys look like retards
  8. All the softies here need to go to the abattoir (meatworks) and see how their supermarket meat is killed and processed. There will be a lot less stupid comments.

    You may prefer this if you find bow hunting squeamish or inhumane:
  9. I kinda feel bad cause of the blood coming out of it's mouth
  10. hunting is a basic instinct of many animals including humans. this is a fact but it does not justify it. there is no justification even if you eat the meat, because you do not have to eat meat. humans do not need meat to stay alive. this is a fact, too. Please all hunters, at least do not be a hypochrist and just say, you do it for the pure fun of the thrill and fun of killing that animal. thank you.
  11. Im all for hunting but this was hard to watch
  12. That isn't brave. That is just a dick way to kill an animal.
  13. How does that make you feel? You sorry bastard
  14. Why the fuck do people get offended, if you don't like watching this then why the fuk did u click a video titled "Monster bull moose gets devastated at 12yards by a Toxic Broadhead"?!?!? some people man....
  15. This is sad.
  16. I am in tears...
    Was is needed? that this beautiful animal has finished it's life?
  18. This was for food, right?
  19. How big was that little guy. lol hey nice bull
  20. I love how the moose just spits out the blood and looks at the guy like "what was that pussy shi... oh fuck" and than proceeds to die"

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2035306

Duration: 2m 6s

Rating: 5529