Most push-ups in an hour - New Guinness world record (Serbia)

Guinness World Record - push-ups in one hour (2.370) - Serbia Desetar Vojske Srbije Srđan Ristić u hali „Park" u Kragujevcu, uradio 2.370 sklekova i postigao novi Ginisov svetski rekord u disciplini sklekovi za jedan sat.


  1. those weren't full pushups
  2. That's not even close to being a regulation military style pushup !
  3. Is there anyone that actually does proper push ups. this is a joke
  4. naw see official push ups or 90 degree arm bend, not chest to floor, I will beat him next month. he betta be able to do 3000 next time.
  5. What's wrong with these people.. yes, I am sure this was hard to do but he still did not do a proper push up.. he spread his arms wide so he would not need to go all the way down and still he did not go all the way down...
  6. majstorčina
  7. He's not even going all the way down
  8. ovo su kratki sklekovi i pravilni su i naravno laksi od sklekova koji se
    rade do kraja a sigurno su dozvoljeni kratki bravo
  9. 90% of the reps were half reps
  10. Slično djudu ili judu....Pozdrav...
  11. ne pravilno

Additional Information:

Visibility: 15125

Duration: 2m 0s

Rating: 108