NEW "KOREAN" VARUS BUILD (League of Legends)

The new build everyone is running for Varus in Korea! Make sure to subscribe for more! - Subscribe to my main channel - Make sure you leave any feedback you have, I'll be reading it all! Runes AD reds, ARM yellows, MR blues, AS quints Masteries 18 12 - Fervor or Warlords keystone (I really like Fervor) Full build = Botrk, PD or Runaans, IE / Maw / Last Whisper ♦ Find me on Twitter → ♦ Follow me on Twitch → ♦ Like me on Facebook → NEW "KOREAN" VARUS BUILD (League of Legends)


  1. always liking the jungler than never comes bot,
    lets the other team just camp it
  2. nice man , I'm subscribed
  3. WOW, 3 items=korean build
  4. oh my gosh..ur waaaayyy too bad from me..u didnt heal and flash in one of the fights on your lane..I'm so confused..ur such a dumbass ...that's why u don't deserve to play League..
  5. the best adc is jayce. please acknowledge phy
  6. Why do i still watching this noob
  7. why lucian isnt in the meta? he's lane phase is awesome and its take soo long too fall off late game.. very underated I assume...
  8. pretty shit build
  9. ok nice idea for the build, but too bad we didn't get to see more of it in action past PD
  10. i dont know man, didnt seem so strong... you chose a poor example to show the build since you got carried, let us see another vid, until then I still think that phantom/static with IE are better
  11. bro with that tahm kench, you should have healed, ez kill, you even had your passive popping off after the kill on ivern you just got. either way tho thanks for the video i very much enjoyed it and i subscribed just because you made this video lol
  12. Just tried this... BORK into Phantom Dance, Infinity Edge then BLACK CLEAVER (incinerated people)
  13. Give Mao a break. Maybe it JUST came up.
  14. I too haven't seen "yorick" in ages xD
  15. Tahm Q W was in his spotlight iirc.
  16. i think phy study a lot for league vids, but then just play poorly getting carried .-.
    is one of those type of players xddd
    Pd: im guessing gold?, or is he in another league?
  17. if tahm q and then w a minion or something he can eat it from extra range than normal
  18. i think varus is better starting black clever
  19. Why do they talk SO much tho? The constant chat spamming's so annoying (and distracting).
  20. Bloody Daise ? I don't know her, I just know the Bloody Mary XD

Additional Information:

Visibility: 56988

Duration: 26m 57s

Rating: 522