Our nearest neighbour, the Moon - Professor Carolin Crawford

Our only natural satellite has been an object of fascination for humankind since prehistory. Despite being the only other place in the Solar System we have visited in person, we are still making startling discoveries about the Moon - and what it reveals about our planet. The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/our-nearest-neighbour-the-moon Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There is currently nearly 1,500 lectures free to access or download from the website. Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gresham-College/14011689941


  1. Ridicule is always the stupidest answer to any question. 6 flights that walked on the moon in 3 yrs. and we haven't been back in 45 yrs. Curious? I'd love to see photos of the Landers or Rovers? Or the blueprints of the equipment used for this greatest achievement in human history. Nope. Such questions are heresy, sacrilege, Taboo, Treason. The stink of orthodoxy clouds any discussion of Apollo, which is a shame that this event passes into history as a myth rather than science. But, it's who we are: "men believe what they wish to be true." I like to know how it was done. OR, I like to know how it was faked so convincingly. Personally, I think it was an Act-of-War at the height of the Cold War and the midst of the fraud of Vietnam.
  2. we hate the moon its an asset to entitlement and regime to nigly nobly wobly by gones with industructable power that has on meaning in our civilization, hornet but can't get over himself and has a big nose that keep sticking it where your butter doesn't melt ,terrific indispensable and thoughtless and the yanks want to build a damn on it.hoorah. end of line,would you like another game if chess,no well get of your back side and do it at kwicksave its the cheepest sale around for the next million years,hoorah. bexit wants it.horrendous. ha ha ha.
  3. notice how gravity on the moon does not affect dust particles when kicked up by an astronaut !
  4. This is one of her best talks. Very interesting.
  5. beagle was found on mars  - update..
  6. Great lecture!  More please!
  7. Really enjoyed this and Carolin sure is a pretty Lady and knows a lot about the bunnie hop :) QC
  8. Who cares ?
  9. Carolin is certainly not unattractive.
  10. Wow, I figured the moon landing deniers would be all over the comments here. Take a moment to appreciate how peaceful and quiet it is in the absence of stupid.
  11. Wtf are u talking about she's butt F'n ugly ...she got a button nose cute voice and is intelligent ....but Sexy...your trippin
  12. No, that's not what it means. Most of the "mixing" movements of the water (compared to just moving back and forth without mixing much) happens due to differences in density - that's due to differences in temperature and/or salinity. Denser water "falls down". It's the same as what happens in the atmosphere, which surely does not move (well, not more than a tiny bit) due to the influence of the moon.
  13. The answer to that last question. We wont get tides anymore on Earth either - does that mean that the ocean water will become 'still water' and no longer support life?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 25404

Duration: 59m 58s

Rating: 132