Outconsumer & Oli's Spanish Inquisition! // On The Road BONUS Episode

Oli meets Outconsumer in this bonus episode of On The Road. SUBSCRIBE and stay in tune for more ► http://bit.ly/GWROMG In this week's very special episode of On The Road, Oli teams up with none other than Spanish gamer Outconsumer (http://www.youtube.com/outconsumer). But all isn't what it seems as Outconsumer turns the tables on Oli and hits him with a Spanish Quiz! On the Road follows presenter, Oli White (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheOliWhiteTV), to all four corners of the record-breaking globe to meet the people and places who have earned their place in Guinness World Records history. Tweet us using ► #gwromg "Guinness World Records: OMG!" is the Officially Amazing brand new YouTube channel from the world's global authority on record-breaking. Featuring 100% new and original material from all 4 corners of the Guinness World Records globe, the channel follows YouTube's biggest stars as they meet the world's most amazing record-breaking people and places -- and challenge some world records of their own! LIKE us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GuinnessWorldRecords FOLLOW us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwrnews Find out more: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/ Add us to your G+ circles: http://bit.ly/GWRgplus All record information referenced was accurate on the day of recording. © 2013 Guinness World Records Limited


  1. pathetic... i could answer at least half of these questions from many countries, certainly for the UK
  2. Paella😍
  3. Lmao he dosnt know Messi's team lol
  4. I amnit Spanish by the way thats all i know
  5. Hola oli
  6. i love paela .. lol..
  7. Ye norge er best norge eier hvem liker ikke norge ingen alle liker norge
  8. Why is every commet in spanish
  9. Cuanta cultura tienen estos tios sobre "la España" con Nachos y tacos -_-
  10. Jejejeje... me gusto mucho cuando se me vino a la mente :D
  11. "u used to molar" XD jaja buena esa.
  12. muy buena roc eres el mejor de verdad sigue asi animo desde canarias
  13. Y Roc apareció de entre las sombras xD
  14. Lo importante es el esfuerzo :D
  15. Hahahaha
  16. call of duty??!!......wow
  17. hola amigos buenos dieous
  18. Oli, you tried.
  19. This made my day :D
  20. Entiendo... Ajá....Exacto... Alguien me dice de que hablan?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 27201

Duration: 6m 7s

Rating: 653