Overwatch: Top 5 Common Mistakes Made In Competitive

Overwatch ranked can be tough at times, here are the top 5 most common mistakes still made in competitive solo queue. Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/c/youroverwatch?sub_confirmation=1 We are YOUR OVERWATCH: Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/youroverwatch Twitter - https://twitter.com/youroverwatchyt Subscribe - http://bit.ly/2aN1OuO


  1. Wait what? I know solo carrying is shit, but I always go genji for fun whenever I'm vs low levels. And I always get like quadruple kills every ult or I just pick em off one by one. I don't think this is bad, I think it's fun!
  2. so a plat is telling me how to play
  3. Top 5 Mistakes Made by Youtubers
    1)Assuming Bastion is only good with a Rein

    Yes you need to be more careful, but a good bastion DOES NOT NEED A REIN TO BE VIABLE.
  4. Every time I play competitive and I get attack SOMEONE ALWAYS HAS TO CHOOSE SYMETRA OR TORBJORIN (I'm sorry if I spelled names wrong) BUT SRSLY COMEON
  5. Man. Symmetra is pretty awesome now.
  6. Hi
  7. tfw everyone wants to play DPS for the glory but you always play Tank or Support cause you realise you're more important than them ;)
  8. Is there any video for an improvement of game awareness?
  9. Reply to me pls
  10. most common mistake in Overwatch is buying the game :D
  11. I was on a team with 4 healers the other day with a great soldier and dva and suprisingly we whooped ass! No one could kill anyone as everyone was constantly getting healed, was hilarious and loads of fun!
  12. running off to the point completely ignoring the symmetra teleporter
  13. The dragon brothers are the main main issue
  14. Personally, I main Hanzo. I get a 1.5+ K/D ratio 90% of the time with at least 10 kills. However, I'm very on/off with head shots. I don't know if I'm a good Hanzo or if I should switch to my old main, Junkrat. Can someone help me decide?
  15. Me playing support (I get teamed up with support mains all the time so I have 4 support on the team including me)

    Teammate: can you play dps??

    Me: okay... (I don't like dps) picks PHARAH the only dps I can play with out dying all the time


    Me: well your a symmetra and zen doesn't want to play mercy/lucio.... And Ana can't hit a single shot...
  16. Winston isn't used much this season so symmetra thrives
  17. I love silver junkrat picks.
  18. I'll agree with most of the points....
    Dude, you played terrible on Numbani
  19. So, I have a situation here. I was playing comp on Volskaya and attacking with a decent team. For some stupid reason (I was playing Roadhog by the way) I thought it would be a good idea to sneak around the defence team and cap the first point by myself. Is this being selfish? or just plain stupid. I mean it did force the enemy team back but only after I had reached halfway upon capturing so it kind of helped in a way but I basically just abandoned my team to cap, just want to know if it was a selfish move.
  20. THANK YOU!
    I have been trying to tell people exactly this: game sense! If you understand a game's mechanics and you apply them to your current situation you can only lose to people way more skilled than you (which you can study and learn).

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Visibility: 480451

Duration: 8m 7s

Rating: 9849